Lawrence of Arabia 8/31 @ 8PM ET

Looks like 227 minutes, just under four hours.

So hard to look cool with those ridiculous goggles.

Was that intentional? :eek:

Kids today, with the MTV and rock & roll and expectation of visual entertainment!

I’ll be back in a while. I’ve got to put kids to bed and stuff.

Claude Rains!! I forgot he was in this.

They don’t like L. , do they.

The Turks, the last of the Ottoman Empire.

Not only that but this was made for 15,000,000. I think animating Optimus Prime cost that much.

Good night, Frakkinspawn! :slight_smile:

Invisibility tends to have that effect.

He’s a bit of a rebel, a questioning / thinking soldier.

Combing the desert…

I wonder if they’ll visit Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.

“I am Bedu.”

Reminds me of Dune.

Watching Lawrence play with the matchs…someone has a fire fetish.

Peter O’toole is so good in this.

Lawrence is strange, no disguising that.

Hard to maintain an empire when you’re constantly putting your feet up. :stuck_out_tongue:

That would be over $105 million in today’s money. :eek:

bwhahahahahaha! :smiley:

Wow, the music in this is even bigger than Dr Zhivago.

I’ve ridden a camel, 5 days in the Rajastan desert in India. Hurt like hell.

How come L isn’t a crispy critter in that hot desert sun?

This scene is made for Cinema viewing. Look at that! Saw this on a 13in black and white TV long ago. Not the same.