Looks like 227 minutes, just under four hours.
So hard to look cool with those ridiculous goggles.
Was that intentional? :eek:
Looks like 227 minutes, just under four hours.
So hard to look cool with those ridiculous goggles.
Was that intentional? :eek:
Kids today, with the MTV and rock & roll and expectation of visual entertainment!
I’ll be back in a while. I’ve got to put kids to bed and stuff.
Claude Rains!! I forgot he was in this.
They don’t like L. , do they.
The Turks, the last of the Ottoman Empire.
Not only that but this was made for 15,000,000. I think animating Optimus Prime cost that much.
Good night, Frakkinspawn!
Invisibility tends to have that effect.
He’s a bit of a rebel, a questioning / thinking soldier.
Combing the desert…
I wonder if they’ll visit Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.
“I am Bedu.”
Reminds me of Dune.
Watching Lawrence play with the matchs…someone has a fire fetish.
Peter O’toole is so good in this.
Lawrence is strange, no disguising that.
Hard to maintain an empire when you’re constantly putting your feet up.
That would be over $105 million in today’s money. :eek:
Wow, the music in this is even bigger than Dr Zhivago.
I’ve ridden a camel, 5 days in the Rajastan desert in India. Hurt like hell.
How come L isn’t a crispy critter in that hot desert sun?
This scene is made for Cinema viewing. Look at that! Saw this on a 13in black and white TV long ago. Not the same.