After following the link to Felicia Day’s page in another thread, I found myself exploring her music, then others – and I think I’m hooked. I actually created an account, connected in my iTunes account, and I’m trying to figure it all out.

I see some of you there already! Anyone have some tips for a newb?

I’m chuckcage there, BTW.

So the more I get into this, the cooler it seems. Looking at one’s music collection is very much a look into one’s soul, yeah? It’s really incredibly cool to be able to look at other’s collections and share. Awesome stuff.

I’ve followed up and installed the scrobbler, so it’s now registering my plays. Not quite sure how to consolidate the plays from various computers around the house yet. Have to think about that.

Any suggestions?

Download the scrobbler plugins for all your music players/ipods/etc that stuff.

Also post your page, one of the best things is to check music compatibility with peeps.

Shot you a friend request. Funny – says our music compatibility is “low.” Heh. :stuck_out_tongue:

Could be worse. Could be Very Low =D

You know, now I may have to start using my account more. I checked it out when my wife got me into iMeem earlier this year and I used that service to listen to pop music that I otherwise wouldn’t come in contact with. I wasn’t as impressed by the selection on, but if it allows one to share his/her collection that might be kind of fun.

And we have a middle compatibility: James Horner, U2, Madonna, Bob Marley & The Wailers und Van Halen. Have scrobbled some GWC episodes and here is your shows page:'Hara

feel free to ad me:

I’ve sent you all friend requests. I’m

And oddly enough, my compatibility with each of you is “Very High”. I’ve always said my musical tastes are all over the map. Well, there’s the proof! :smiley:

It’s done!

I have heard of on several podcasts but never checked it out. This is a very cool service. Looks like Pandora on steroids and does many cool things to display your play count that iTunes doesn’t.

It’s too bad Chuck doesn’t listen to GWC. We would all have much better compatibility. :wink:

Anyone know how I can fix the graphic? Maybe I’m just too new to for it to allow me to upload. If any of you can do it, here’s the graphic:

That’s true, but who doesn’t like Bear McCreary, Jay and Jack, Dido, Eurythmics and the GWC crew?:smiley:

iTunes does show the play count. Only right-click on the tab with track, interpret, size, year etc and select play count. Though the Ipod counts aren’t displayed.

There you go. Uploaded the new one. Wasn’t there a “upload another picture” button under the picture for you?

Nope. Thanks!

Yes, I just mean the way it adds them up and displays it is really cool. It puts my addictions in a clearer light. :smiley:

One other stupid request for an edit. Any chance someone might update the GWC page to include a more current description (i.e. not just BSG)?

BTW: Loving the fact that Shamus wrote the first one. Hope he’s doing well.

Sorry, I’ll leave that to somebody else who knows the show and the English language better than me (mostly broader vocabulary). There has to be some other “senior” members who can edit it.

BTW, interesting songs I listen to on your channel, Chuck.

Right now: The Crystal Method – The Winner

Just do it. Someone can always tweak it later.

After 5 hours online I can continue, can’t I?

At least a little bitty shout-out on the next show, hmmm?:wink:

You want a shout out? Just call in. They’ll probably coo over your accent to boot.

I’m sure they would. Long distances calls are too expensive. If, I would send a mp3 and would need a topic to cover.

Well, my first edit is finished. What do you think?'Hara

I am liking how the player randomizes my library. I wonder if and how my play count effects the results. So far it is better than Apple’s shuffling.