KOTOR 3 where are you"

Okay maybe its just my gripe

I realize Bioware is making a MMO, but I’ve tried MMO’s more than once, they always end up with a diffusion of story. to the point i end up dead by a 16 year old who can sit around and level up all day while i have to go to the real world earn a slightly honest living

So my question

Am i alone here who wants Kotor 3 and not as an MMO… but a stand alone RPG like god intended…

Might of overstated it there some

I’d probably play a KOTOR 3 singleplayer game. I liked the first 2.

I would also be in favour of a new KOTOR game. The first one is one of my favourite games of all time. The second one is reasonably good. There is defiantly more story to be told, and I’m not willing to pay for an MMO to find out what is is.