Know Thy Enemy discussion thread (next episode)

Yay. Just wanted to start an on-topic thread!

I’m betting we’re gonna see a bunch of Zoe/Cylon stuff since the last ep showed nothing bu the board room scene.

Im hoping for more Daniel/Joseph action.

Altho I cant say I much approve of the voice over for the teaser.
And the same for at the start of the episodes.
Like do they think people just dont watch they other episodes and need to be filled in so much?

this had nothing to do with the thread, I just wanted to post it somewhere…

before I scrolled down I thought the fail was going to be about him dancing with the robot.

He must be very lonely.

Just cued Caprica up and I’m just at the opening credits, so am about to watch the whole episode… but I noticed something that’s kind of cool. If you look at the first part of the credit sequence with Daniel and Zoebot walking and changing into Zoe behind the pillar, something’s changed!

It’s a lot brighter, and you can see the Cylon production line behind them, which before you didn’t (well, at least I didn’t. I remember it being a lot darker and mostly empty. Was I just not looking? If so, then…never mind my post!). If they changed it up to reflect Daniel championing over the investors and thus beginning the pruduction of Cylons in the last episode, well, that is very clever.

You are correct, it is a different background completely. Also noticed that the actual U-87 seems to be getting updated in each episode. Looked like it had different legs, or a new covering on them. Vergis is a badass as well.

i think even the music is a little different. the percussions are a lot more prominent

They’re frakking with our minds!

Yaaay! Bear McCreary is on the Caprica podcast!

He is!!?!! whoosh

“Vergis, you sly sneaky bastard.”

-Me, at least 6 times durring the episode.

Triva for the day, the actor who plays Vergis had a minor role in BSG, anyone else remember who he was? (No IMDB cheating).

Wasn’t he part of the Pegasus crew?

Correct, he was the original Pegasus CAG.