i actually really enjoyed the new Knight Rider. I was a kid in the 80s, and I didn’t feel like I had to be in kid mode to enjoy this. They did mention KITT can heal itself in the pilot, and they also featured it changing its appearance. Granted every time it changed it was still a Mustang just a different color, but I can take a leap of faith on this.
The same goes for speed and all that, I mean the premise is this car is amazing, and it has to be more amazing than the old the KITT. Cars aren’t exactly more advanced than they were in the 80s. They are probably more fuel efficient, and can have TV or GPS, but the car itself really hasn’t changed that much. The fact is the old KITT would still be pretty incredible even today thus making it hard to beat it, unless we are just looking for a “pimp the ride” kind of upgrade, otherwise, I can see why they had to go down this direction.
As for the serious or cheese thing, it actually seemed less cheesy to me than the Heroes season 3 premier, and I thought that was pretty great already. I think it has a pretty good balance right now. Anymore serious I probably just don’t care, and cheesier I probably just tune out.
I see people comparing it with Enterprise, in terms of the getting people to strip part, maybe. But at least they didn’t have to rub cream over each other. I think Enterprise failed because the first couple of seasons, there wasn’t a sense of urgency, yeah they had the temporal war thing, but mostly it’s still a ship meeting new races at a new planet every week kind of a show.
That would have been ok, if they focused on the development of friendships or relationships on board the Enterprise. Like what they did in TOS or TNG, where the planets and races were created to push for character development. But no, Enterprise wrote most new planets and races to be a cheesy gag, or Archer single-handedly saves the day.
But in the new Knight Rider, we had a lot of character development in the first episode. They created a sense of urgency, which is Michael’s missing past and the people coming back for him. The mystery of what happened to Michael is great. It is a cliche, but they did a good job on it.