I noticed in the WOK podcast the KirkvsPicard thing came up.
many Trek fans always argue the Kirk Vs Picard thing based on the characters actions in their own episodes and think of it as a contest. I think TNG vs TOS fans really come down to this.
TOS was popular amonsgst non-geeks and geeks. We and our parents grew up with it. Geeks liked trek for the social comentary, most people just like adventure. Kirk IS adventure
TNG was the show for the geek fans. WAY less adventure, more science, peace love and hippiness. TNG gave us federation with no money, litttle to no sex and little fighting. The crew was almost NEVER in danger on landing party’s. Picard was more like an old wise man, not an adventurer.
Kirk is the person the average american boy wants to grow up and be. He is the guy that trek fans between the ages of 8 and 34 wish they were. He is the red blooded all american traditional hero. He can fight, he can captain, he is cute/handsome to most women… he is the Alpha male.
Picard is the guy that you wish your dad was. He would break his hand if he had to spank you.Unless you are an extreme anti-social type… no kid wants to be a skinny bald man, with no personal life, who never gets laid. Sure Picard is a cool character, but he isn’t a “hero” in the traditional sense.
If given the choice of being Kirk or being Picard… most people on this earth would choose Kirk. He has every advantage a man has. It’s what makes him great to watch and read about, and it makes him more human when he get’s old and has to deal with it in TWOK.
Picard was always old.
When I say that you wouldn’t want to grow up and be Picard… I mean sure: rather than growing up in the real world… Picard is better than this.
But Kirk… being him is better than Picard or almost any of the characters.
If given a choice between BEING Kirk or Picard… Kirk wins every time.