My buddy’s dad has one that he brought back from saipan. It is a pre war katana ( not the officers model that the army made).
He did a little research and was looking around on the internet for explanation of the kanji. In his search he put out on a forum around 2002 some pics of the markings. About a month lter he was contacted by an atouny representing a Japanese national wnting to purchase the sword for $10,000. He asked his dad and the answer was a big “hell no”.
A second offer was made for $15,000 which was not accepted.
Will ( by buddy) asked why the sword was so valuable and the Japanese were not so forthcomeing with an explanation.
After speaking with his own lawyer Willie was told that he and his dad should not communicate anymore if they wanted to keep the sword, because if the japanese could prove that it was a “war trophy” then they might could get it for free… but he would consult a specialist in war repartaions law.
Come to find out, it’s not covered in war trophy law… becaus it was a weapon. KIA’s and POW’s are expected to relinquish weapons… even if they are personal property.
US army has it’s own laws against war trophys… but almost never prosecute after a year or so after a conflict.
In the end… we don’t know excactly the age of the Katana or what it’s significance is. His dad doesn’t talk about how he got it… just that the previous owner was a SOB who deserved to get raped by the devil in hell. Willie doeasn’t want to put it up for review on the internet for fear that it might open him up to much unwanted litigation ( a lawyer costs money)