Kara Thrace's name meaning

I was on STO when I had to name my ship. I had already had a ship with the name Mars so this time I wanted the Big Guy from Greece. So I looked up Ares. While I was on the page about him i noticed some thing.

This is from Fast Facts.
“Major Temple Sites: Ares enjoyed his strongest worship in the Northern Greece territory of Thracia or Thrace. As few people wanted to invoke war, temple sites are rare.”

Considering how her character was her last name is very appropriate.:smiley:

Spartacus is also from Trace.

The Greek root kara/cara relates to the head, peak, or summit.

The name Thrace might also be related to Thrax, a son of the war god Ares.

I can’t pull too much out of the name besides that, but much as I want to, I doubt RDM put much more thought into it than that. I’m not criticizing–that’s still at least 3 layers deeper than most TV shows go just on a character’s name.

Sigh. Lately I’ve really been missing the feeling of being so wrapped up in a show you occasionally dream about it. I never thot GWC would grow into something so amazing and I am so, so happy it did. But I miss those days of lusting after/grieving for Kara Thrace so much it hurts at inappropriate moments in the office.

Or maybe I’m oversharing?

Not at all, I was depressed for about a day after “Malestrom”.

There has been a void left by the absence of BSG that no show has come close to filling.

Amen to that! There have been very few shows for me that I would put off other things just to watch with a need to follow, BSG was one and still to this day nothing has drawn me in that much again.

Though I decided to use this winter season ahead to re-watch the entire series again, I’ve been avoiding it as to not wear it out, and I’m going to try to keep my self to one or two episodes a week.

there is a hole in your mind. what do you want? no one here is exactly what he appears… if you go to Zahadum you will die.

^ That.
For some of us, Battlestar was the show that was filling the absence.