Justice League of America (JLA)

As most of you will know by now, I’m a DC boy by heart. I’ve got nothing against Marvel, I just don’t like Spiderman very much, but I’m planning on reading some Elektra and Daredevil soon.

As I said, huge DC lover here, first and foremost my favorite superhero, Batman, of course. I don’t feel as much enthusiasm for all the other DC superheroes, Batman just stands out in my book, but I find the JLA novels very intruiging, because they give me

  1. The chance to meet and get to know all the other superheroes and get at least of glimpse of what they’re about without having to read their individual stories


  1. Every time I pick up a JLA novel, I get new insights into Batman, from the perspective that his peers see him from.

I’m currently reading Identity Crisis, in which someone or something is killing of the families and spouses of JLA members and I’m having a huge blast reading this, it’s told pretty much exclusively from the perspective of Green Arrow, Black Canary and Elongated Man (who were part of the original seven of the JLA, right? Or was that the Justice Society? That’s the one thing that gets me confused about superhero team-ups, that it’s always changing who’s in and who’s not in and which guy is wearing which costume at the moment, I always get the Green Laterns mixed up, too) and wow, Batman hasn’t said a word for the first half of the novel, but I’ve already picked out so many things about him from what other said about him.

Like, at one point Green Lantern is threatening Green Arrow, I think, and he says stuff like “Oh yeah, then why don’t we go ahead and ask Clark (Superman) or better yet - Bruce (Batman)?” And it’s just the way this line is delivered, that going to see Batman about something is even more threatening than Superman, that’s just cool and it says so much about The Bat, awesome.

And then later on, somebody says “when it comes to revenge, we all have a little bit of Bruce Wayne in us” - also, Batman is not even in the room, but his presence as one of the greatest superheroes is asserted by comments like that and I just love that.

So, give the JLA some love :slight_smile:

Wow, listen to this:

When Batgirl was shot a few years back, the League designed and installed specialized security systems for the families and friends of any member who requested it.
Thanagarian, Martian, Apokoliptian, and Kryptonian technology. Plus the really scary crap Bruce invented.

That’s what I mean, that says so much in just seven words.

Identity Crisis, for me, was a very weird point where I fell out of love with DC Comics, it’s really where they started to ignore everything since the CRISIS story, and started to act as if it was still 1984.

That said, there are a few great moments in there, and like you say, it really plays up the awe that the general DC Super-heroes have when it comes to Batman.

I have to say I never read the Crisis on Infinite Earth storyline. But it’s fair to say that both of two big companies have been messing with continuity since I don’t know when.

Oh no doubt, and I honestly have no problem with messing with continuity, but DC flat-out ignoring 20+ years of comics really grinds with me.

My main problem: In Identity Crisis they say that Sue Dibny was “almost” classed as an honary member of the Justice League. That would be fine, but as she was in CHARGE of the Justice League Europe/International team, it seems a tad insulting.

Oh lordy, I’m revealing my anger about Sue Dibny’s League Membership status… I’ll start shouting about them ignoring Stinkbomb (Power Girls cat) next.

Yeah, you see, I’m fairly new to comics, so since I didn’t have that 20+ years of backstory in my head, I was absolutely fine with Identity Crisis.

And from what I remember, Sue Dibny (we’re talking about Elongated Man’s wife, right?) WAS ACTUALLY an honorary member of the JLA and they SAY SO in Identitiy Crisis and I remember that very clearly, because someone said that “not even Lois Lane was an honorary member” to highlight Sue’s special position.

“When the league went international they even made Sue an honary member. Even Lois isn’t and honary member”

She wasn’t honary, she was fully running it. A full member.

Yeah, I have it on my shelf, so i could dig out the quote. I hate seeing Elongated Man fall apart like he does in that funeral scene.

Oh, now I see. Hm. Yeah, that sucks. You know, they should have some guy at DC that keeps track of things like that, but then again, not every editor can remember half a century of continuity like that :smiley:

If I can do it… actually, not a fair point, i’ve given over 90% of my brain to nerdy trivia.

I can barely tie my own shoes sometimes :wink:

Yeah, I know that feeling, I’m trying real hard to reserve at least a few percent for sex and Weetabix.

I remember loving Weetabix as a kid, all… OH NO! I’VE FORGOTTEN THE ORDER PEOPLE JOINED BLAKES SEVEN!


I’m considering buying the following JLA titles:

[b]New World Order


Tornado’s Path[/b]

Any advice? Any warnings? Any insight to share?

Great. Really, really great. The start of a great run, but with slightly iffy art.


A bit of a curates egg, not a JLA story really…

Tornado’s Path

A book full of rubbish 80’s characters, talking, then giving each other little certificates with lovely caligraphy on them. Avoid.

There is a collected version of the Morrison JLA run that is worth tracking down, more story for your money.

Oh, and if you can find it, get the Justice League International book. It’s great.

Thanks, once again that was just awesome. Someone who keeps up with everything that goes on at DC, totally awesome.

Ain’t It Cool reports that show runners from Smallville might pitch a Martian Manhunter spin-off.