July/August GWC Book Club Selection TIE BREAKER!

For the first time in GWC Book Club history… we have a tie.

In order to break this tie, please select only one of the books put forward. Voting will be open one week (though July 7). Your vote is public.

Oh damn. Kitsch vs. Literature. I’ll have to ruminate on this one.

It’s obvious, really. Shatner automatically breaks all ties.

Whoa. Well, I’d started Shatnerquake already and gotten a kick out of it, so…

…and, well, it’s SHATNER!

Still, people. It’s Octavia Butler. It’s like literature and shit.

And yet, not Shatner.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Well, I can see how this is going to go down.

FWIW I went with Butler. And not just because the main characters remind me of people I know.

OK, largely that.

Invalid poll. No Baltar option.

No one should be surprised that between kitsch and literature (though those categories aren’t mutually exclusive, ahem, says Casilda the literary critic…), I go for the heavy hitter :slight_smile:

The question is - does the Shat here outweigh the Baltar? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m glad I’m not the only one standing up to the Shat :smiley:

I’ve been slowly re-reading Kindred and I had forgotten a) how awesome it is but also b) how depressing it can be. A few nights ago I read some of it before bed, and I dreamt I was in 1820s Maryland. Scared the crap out of me.

Anyone considering voting for Kindred, don’t let that scare you away. In the interests of discussion, I think we as a group would have a lot more to say about it than we would about Burke’s work.

That seems like a low blow. Everyone puts on weight as they get older :stuck_out_tongue:

Voting is now closed.

Go here for discussion of the winner, Shatnerquake.