Journey Quest

The guys who did Gamers and Dorkness Rising did a web series called Journey Quest. Seriously worth checking out. It’s like a less raunchy Legend of Neil.

Episode 1


Sweet, now I know how I’m spending part of my afternoon!

Totally worth it. Just beware that there will come a point where you think you’ve seen that episode before, but you actually haven’t (it’s the Bard’s perspective on past events.)

Meat Henge…Bwahahahaha!

My next tat.

Hahahaha…well that was a fun series. Hope they get the second one done. Bookmarked their site and subscribed on YouTube.

Dead Gentlemen and ZOE Entertainment are currently raising pledges on Kickstarter for Season 2 of JourneyQuest. They’re currently about 2/3 funded. There’s a long list of incentives that’s worth checking out.

this is indeed good stuff.

“Lactomancer” … that line alone had me on the floor laughing.