Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

This is a little off topic, but I thought everyone would like to see this. Joss Whedon created Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along-Blog and it’s on iTunes. Neil Patrick Harris is Dr. Horrible and Nathan Fillion is Captain Hammer. So far, it’s great.

Thanks GWC for turning me on to Firefly!:slight_smile:

Welcome aboard, Daleed. We’ve got Dr. H. covered here.

I just mentioned this in the Twitter thread: Doctor Horrible and Felica Day both have twitter feeds.

Thanks, Daleed! I totally forgot to post something here!

Big fat DUH!

Welcome, and thanks for the covering my gaff!

And thanks, Pike, for the link!


love, me! b!

The conversation went like this:

Coworker: Ooh, what are you watching?

Me: Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.

Coworker: It’s that guy! From Desperate Housewives!

Me: Yeah… Nathan Fillion. He’s on Housewives? Does he wear tight pants?

Coworker: Uhh, yeah I guess so…

Me: Nathan Fillion is Mal Reynolds from Firefly! Here he’s playing Captain Hammer, the obnoxious good guy.

Coworker: Oh, this is one of those dork things.

Me: Yep! Why don’t you go get coffee and this will be over by the time you’re back.

1st 2 seasons of Buffy are available on hulu–I think it’s at least as good as Dr Horrible in a high school is literal hell kind of way

I quite enjoyed the first few seasons, but dropped out after they started to really frak with the male characters. It was like dating a second-wave feminist.

awesome!! thanks lady D!! :slight_smile:

Uh, what is a “second-wave feminist”? I’m probably going to be sorry I asked, but can you elaborate?

WikiP has an article, but it’s pretty much an outline. (The key things, from an outsider’s POV, is that it was the petri dish that incubated ideas like ‘any form of penetration during sex is rape.’)

Didn’t mean to threadjack this, my new favorite thread. To get things back on track, here’s the first Bad Horse song:

Bad Horse
Bad Horse
Bad Horse
Bad Horse

He rides across the nation
The Thoroughbred of Sin
He got the application
That you just sent in
It needs evaluation
So let the games begin
A heinous crime
A show of force
A murder would be nice of course

Bad Horse
Bad Horse
Bad Horse
He’s bad
The Evil League of Evil
Is watching, so beware
The grade that you receive
Will be your last, we swear
So make the Bad Horse gleeful
Or he’ll make you his mare

Get saddled up,
There’s no recourse
It’s “Hi-Ho Silver”
Signed, Bad Horse

i was thinking that in the second bad horse song when they sing “the answer is nay/neigh” they should have made it more whinney-like…like nayhay hay…

in the spirit of silly superheros/villians my friend hooked me up with mystery men…can’t believe i haven’t seen this before!! :slight_smile:

i believe in meritocracy…& i don’t like the idea of any one group claiming superiority over another…that’s a whole nother thread i suppose :slight_smile:

Ack! I’m a 3rd waver who feels bitter toward 2nd wave feminists, but 2nd wave feminism is SO MUCH more than that bit of weirdness (you’re right, it was a part of it). The most basic breakdown is:

First wave: suffragettes (1800s through 1921)

Second wave: women’s liberation: entrance into workforce and sexual revolution (closely tied with gay rights movement and civil rights movement). The fight for legal and social equality. (1960s-1970s)

Third wave: refining- less academic/political. Focused on integrating feminist philosophy/values into everyday lives of all of us, regardless of gender. Started in mid-90s and currently ongoing. If interested, read Jennifer Baumgardner, Amy Richards, perhaps Jessica Valenti, etc.

That’s a very USA-centric mini-history of feminism, mind you, but that’s what the wave terminology encompasses.

Back to the Dr. Horrible: I <3 NPH

can you be more specific? which male characters do you feel were “frakked with” and in what way that really turned you off?

I think it works as is:

He saw the operation
That you tried to pull today
But your humiliation means
He still votes “Neigh!”
And now assasination
Is just the only way
There will be blood
It might be yours
So go kill someone
Signed, Bad Horse

Thishas a somewhat simplified but useful explanation of the history of feminism (the waves and whatnot)

If you want further reading, check this out.

Second-wave feminism is very much a product of it’s time - the absolutes of the 60’s aren’t very appealing to most of us, no matter what ideological movement they’re coming from.

If anyone even mentions the farce that is post-feminism I think I’ll have to throw something.

I really do have to watch this thing… but feminism! woo!!!

I’m another 3rd-waver, but I was raised by a 2nd-wave feminist who still identifies herself as militant, so I don’t really have any bitterness towards it. If you read through the theory, at least when I read through the theory, you can’t get to where we are today without the contributions of the feminists that came before us.

That said - I find it very amusing that you call it less academic, though in some ways it is. But in other ways, it’s very academic - queer theory and post-colonial theory jump to mind.

i’m not saying it doesn’t work…it’s just really fun to make horsey noises when i get caught up in the silliness :slight_smile:

i was raised by a mysogynistic male chauvist pig who told me on a regular basis how much he hated women and how much he hated me cause i was a woman ~ but he loved me cause i was his daughter!!! he had his girlie mags in the bathroom and half naked women hanging on the walls thank god i had a brother that helped me maintain a sense of self worth!!! :slight_smile: and i also find it interesting that there is no word for MAN HATER i mean misanthropic generally means mankind/humans…does anyone know the word that is gender specific to men?? i’m curious is all :slight_smile: most languages default to the masculine and i find gender bias in language a fascinating subject :slight_smile: cause the hammer is my penis :slight_smile:

you’ve never heard of frigid? bitch? lesbian? (kidding)