Joker (hardcover)

anyone else catch this one yet? cause i thought it was just so good. Creepy as all get out. but the story and art are top notch.

Yep, it’s kinda great.

See also my review in the Batman thread.

Bermejo’s art is excellent. The cover alone is worth the price of the book. And I really like the way Azarello writes the Joker. Plus, Harley Quinn is well . . .yeah.

I’ve had it in my pile since it came out, haven’t gotten around to it yet though =/

Read it. Finished it. I’m digesting. It’s good. Definitely better than your average Batman graphic novel. A little clunky here and there. But that’s nitpicking it. Not sure if I loved it yet, or whether it was worth cover price, but for $12 at, I’m satisfied.

It’s interesting how it updates the Batman canon villains as post-millennial badasses, all tattooed up and thugged out. I wonder if that’ll stick. (I don’t read Batman monthly, so maybe it already has.)

And kind of along those lines, I’m curious about what timeline the story developed over. Surely it’s not a coincidence that the Joker’s smile is permanent in this book and Dark Knight? Has anyone read any good interviews about Joker?

I read the final panel as being the guy who was telling the story.

Yeah - I think that’s right. That is one way to avoid becoming “like” The Joker.

The novel is based on the character of Joker from Dark Knight. It doesn’t play into Batman regular Canon at all. Well. Joker’s smile is permanent in Batman canon now but it’s unrelated to the film/not the same as the film/happened before the film

It seems that The Joker still likes to spread that smile around as he did in the first Tim Burton movie. Although his methodology is a bit different.

How’d that happen?

Got shot in the forehead by a psycho cop dressed up as Batman and had to have reconstructive surgery. So now he thinks Batman shot him.

Sort of like Lex Luthor thinking Clark Kent/Superman caused him to lose his hair - which was decidely uncool in the 1960’s.