Ummmmm…I’m afraid to get into the middle of this one, but here goes! throws poll grenade in room and RUNS!
Whedon hands down. No question. Abrams is good and all but he’s a great burger going up against filet mignon.
I’ll disagree with “hands down.” Abrams has a healthy resume too.
JJ Abrams as a Producer: Revolution, Person Of Interest, Fringe, Super 8, Mission Impossible, Lost, Star Trek, Alias.
JJ Abrams as a writer: Fringe, Super 8, Lost, Alias, Mission Impossible, Armageddon and Regarding Henry (a personal favorite of mine).
JJ Abrams as a director: Star Trek, Super 8, Mission Impossible, Alias, & Lost.
In fact, I suspect (and hope) Abrams’ Star Wars will be Whedon’s Avengers.
~Shooter Out
If Star Wars VII is amazing, then I might change my vote, but for now I have to go with Joss.
Just with one season of Firefly and a movie (I’ve not seen Buffy or Angel), Joss Whedon trumps all those mostly sub-par shows and movies that JJ did.
I’d buy that for a dollar!!!
Lost, Person Of Interest, Star Trek and Fringe are subpar? Really?
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Star Trek was good. I like shows with spaceships.
and movies about gladiators?
Joss is boss!!!