
I just popped in one of my Firefly DVDs and watched Jaynesdown with my (late) dinner. Wow, that’s a great episode – one of my favorites. It just reminded me yet again how much heart Firefly had. It made Star Trek looks like an after school special.

I wonder how many kidneys we’d need to sell to get a sequel into theaters…

In honor of this great episode, I’ve swapped back to my browncoat avatar. For those of you who haven’t seen the (almost) full version:

Yep, it really is a browncoat. And, sadly, the shotgun doesn’t have a name yet.

See this is the thing I don’t understand Okay so Fox cancelled it. really wasn’t a surprise, after all its fox. But now sci-fi is looking to lose its flagship show. And it needs something else to give it some credibility, good thing there’s flash Gordon, were all saved… :mad:

Maybe it can’t afford firefly the show, I get that, it was expensive, but why not give joss 10 to 30 million and make a movie/special event for it and than a DVD release considering how the firefly DVD’s and serenity DVD’s sell I’m sure they would make money, and gain respectability. I would call on them, (and I have in past for more farscape), but as hard as it is for me to say they gave that show a good run, I could wish for eight season’s all I want but they did support that show.

Rambling now sorry…

Nickname boomer
not afraid to sing to the hero of Canton.

From what I understand, the reason no other TV station picked up Firefly after Fox cancelled it is that there was a “poison pill” attached, i.e. any other station would have to pay Fox an enormous amount of money to get the rights to the show. That’s why Paramount made it into a movie, so that they wouldn’t have to pay Fox.

But from what, I remember joss said in an interview that Fox released firefly/joss to sell to other venues, maybe it was legal mumbo jumbo or BS, on fox’s part sure you can sell it to another network, if you pay us 100 BILLION dollars kind of thing. Still not surprised, no wonder I don’t have cable anymore.

jaynestown is a great episode. it is probably the one that made firefly go from “good sci-fi show” to “great tv show” for me personally.

Weirdly, that’s the one episode I replay the least. It was a great episode the first time through, but I almost always skip it on replays. Not sure why, to be honest.

“Objects in Space” or “Out of Gas” I can watch endlessly, but not that one.

BTW, thanks for the ‘zoom out’ view of the Avatars, Chuck. I think the gun should be named “Sharon” but that’s just me.

I think one of the presidental candidates should run with a (small) platform of bringing back Firefly. Forget soccer moms and NASCAR dads, the real swing voters you need are the Browncoats!

Pike- “Out of Gas” is brilliant. That episode blows my mind with its greatness. The one I watch least is probably “Shindig”. “Heart of Gold” is automatically cooler due to the SPACE AGE TECHNOLOGY of the aluminum foil wrapped house.

The way things are shaping up, that might be the difference maker for me.

“Yeah, I hate all that other stuff, but we’ll get more Firefly, goddamn it!”

Exactly, lol. And now, to the tune of the theme song: “Take my money, take my privacy, take me where I cannot think of anything to rhyme, but you can’t take Firefly from me… dunt da dunt da da dunt.”

I’m the most cynical person of government, but I’d be a happy camper if they could just put our little damn series back on the air. lol

Speaking as a Canadian every time I vote I feel like throwing up, but if I could get CBC to resurrect firefly, well I still would throw up, but at least I would have something awesome to watch every week or so

but still throwing up cause of my politcal choices

“Thats what makes us special.”

One thing I’d love to get my hands on is a full length, studio recorded version of The Hero of Canton song. Jaynestown is a great episode, but I don’t think there’s a bad episode of Firefly.

I agree, hard to say which is the best of an amazing 14 episodes. I’ll flop between “Out of Gas” and “Objects in Space”

As for a full length recording of Jaynestown, there are a couple versions out there. The Signal at one point cleaned up the version from the show to reduce the dialogue…might still be out there.

Jaynestown was probably my least favorite, I don’t really like the character all that much.

Out of gas, now theres an episode.

Gay ebony

The thing about Jaynestown for me that makes it brilliant is how it deconstructs faith.

Don’t make no sense.


Why the hell’d that mudder go an do that, Mal? Jumpin’ in front a’ that shotgun blast. Weren’t a one of them understood what happened out there - hell, they’re probably stickin’ that statue right back up.

Most like.

Don’t know why that eats at me so…

It’s my estimation that every man ever got a’statue made of him was one kind of sommbitch or another. Ain’t about you, Jayne. 'Bout what they need.

Beat as Jayne takes this in. Neither man moves.


Don’t make no sense.

[LEFT]And of course there is, possibly the best line in the show from Book on the parallel storyline: "It’s not about making sense. It’s about believing in something, and letting that belief be real enough to change your life. It’s about ‘faith’.

You don’t fix faith, River. It fixes you.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Now that is writing.[/LEFT]

“Our Mrs. Renolds” and “Objects In Space” are my personnal favorites. I remember the first time that I watched “Objects in Space”, the moment that Jubal said “She isn’t in the ship, she IS the ship!” I’m sitting there thinking - “Oh Josh, Oh no you didn’t!”. What a great story.

You know, all of you are making me depressed. I’m going to have to rewatch them from the beginning to get rid of this bad mood. :slight_smile:

This is the greatest truth ever told on all matters spiritual.

So Say We All.


personally I believe ‘each to their own’ would make a better expression, i.e. don’t preach to other people, if religion is meant to find them then it will, and don’t mock/judge other people’s beliefs, because when you take a look at any world view they all have ridiculous stuff in them.

That’s another reason this episode is so great: the truth about “faith” is universal. For some – like Book and some here on the forum – it applies to religion, but for others – like the mudders and others here on the forum – it applies only to more practical things. In the mudders’ case it was the idea that someone cares about them.

Sometimes for me it’s just the idea that I’ll get to take a break from working on Saturday (every now and then). :slight_smile:

But DocP, I’m with you in that I hate preachy fiction. I felt warmth in my heart for the BSG writers/directors when Adama recognized that not everyone is religious by choosing his words so carefully in the Roslin-is-about-to-die speech. It’s rare to see that kind of thing these days.

I have a hard time picking out a best episode of Firefly, they all link back together too much like Heart of Gold. As a result I see all of the greatness in the later episodes as established by the earlier ones (I know that’s not a real big distinction with 14? episodes). But if you want my $.02 then I would say Our Mrs. Reynolds", “Heart of Gold” or “Shindig”. I just need to be in an appropriate mood to watch “Out of Gas”.

i can occasionaly be caught busting out the song form the epi.
i know it all