January Book Selection

Sorry – I’m four days late putting this out. I suck. Flog me. In the meantime, let’s choose!

A few things to remember:[ul]
[li]You’re voting for the January book of the month. We’ll close the poll at the end of December and announce the winner here and on the blog and podcast Jan. 1.[/li][li]You can vote for more than one book, so please select all those you’d be interested in reading.[/li][li]Campaigning is recommended. We’re a friendly bunch, so don’t be afraid to plug a book (or books) you like a lot.[/li][*]Don’t worry if your favorites aren’t selected this time 'round. We’ll close the winning book’s thread and leave the rest open – so there’s no reason your fave couldn’t win next time 'round.[/ul]And finally, don’t forget this is all for fun. I personally plan on reading some of the ones that don’t win, too.

A couple of these catch my interest:

  • DNA’s Dirk Gently, because it’s just so much fun.
  • Dick’s Androids, because it’d tie in great with the Bladerunner release.
  • Anything by Clarke, because it’s anything by Clarke (of course)
  • Anything by Vonnegut, because he’s another writer I haven’t read because I wimped out a long time ago.

Of course, there are lots of other good options here, too. Vote away!

I’m reminded that Androids/Blade Runner and Terry Pratchett’s “Guards, Guards!” are timely.

Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars, 2001, Piano Player, The Postman

Mass Effect Revelations has got my interest. :smiley:

Be sure to post them so they can be included in next month’s poll!

Holy Frak, Batman. In another thread, I said that you are actually not a “TV Whore” but rather a “TV Companion” (and thanks for mentioniing that on the most recent podcast by the way–the first (however oblique) mention I got in the podcast). Now I have to also say that you are a “Book Companion”. You’ve got excellent taste in sci-fi books/sci-fi authors, my friend. A “Book Whore”, you are not.

I just voted for Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep… but since I Am Legend is running close… Maybe do Legend for January since it’s more timely with the movie, then save Androids for February, as part of a mega-discussion of Blade Runner? And that way, we’d all have a few extra weeks to digest the different cuts in the boxed DVD set?

Great idea DXF, I agree.

I just went to my local book store and had they had tons of Legend, but no Andriod/Sheep… Does availavility factor in?

— Dismal

Android/Sheep is pretty easy to find here. But even if you have to ask for it, BN/Borders will order it for you and ship it to the store for free.

And it’s sooo worth it. Fun book, and it’ll be a great read along with then newly-released Final Cut setup.

I bought Legend yesturday (because the store had it) and started reading it this morning… OMG it’s intense… I expected slow paced old fashion scifi, but WOW… If my wife weren’t standing over me with a list of chores I swear I’d just make a pot of coffee, sit on the sunny Southern California porch and read cover-to-cover…

I vaguely remember seeing parts of Omega Man on TV when I was a kid and never really got it, but now I’m going to add it to my NetFlix to preview after I read the book and before I see the Will Smith adaption…

Thank you all for the excellent suggestion. I wouldn’t be reading it without the guidence…

— Dismal to excited to spell check

I’m really excited about this, the list is chock-full of winners. I might end up reading a couple from this selection. There’s two or three books there that I’d meant to read at some time or another, and just never got around to. There’s also a couple that I have read and absolutely adore (I can’t recommend Watchmen enough :wink: ).

OK… I now have a complaint about Legend… I was reading along, enjoying the whole thing, and it was like hitting a speed bump… The story just ended… I didn’t realize how short the story was, and the rest of the book is filled with other stories by the same author… I didn’t realize it beforehand, so I was caught holding a half a book when it just stopped abruptly…

Anyway, it was great, but only about 160 pages…

— Dismal the surprised reader

Chuck…several others of my model want to cast votes identical to me, but are having problems with the voting software. If you could put it in manually, the new tally should read “Watchmen: 8534 votes”.
Thanks for fixing that for us.

—The GRs

I’m actually up for any book now that I’m on vacation and I can finally take part in the book club.

Just voted for I Am Legend…yes, it’s not an overlong book, which might be a plus. It’s an easy read time-wise, however, it is a fantastic look at a man surviving alone, surrounded by unthinkable horror…Happy New Year !
Look, I loved this book as a teen, I love it now whenever I reread it, all I can say is vote for it, it’s a very good story, very much in the Galactica vein, a dark, sometimes ugly look into life. You will definately be thinking about this one after you read it.

I voted for Do Androids dream of electric sheep, because I loved Blade Runner, but never realized it was based on a book. Yes, I have already downgraded my geek card status to bronze. I have already ordered the book of amazon with my money I got from Christmas(I don’t get gifts anymore, just money, but that’s cool). Definitely looking forward to reading it. I am legend is an excellent book as well.

Ha, I was in a book shop yesterday looking for a book to pick up and Do Androids caught my attention, just a funny coincidence considering I haven’t been on this board since november and had no idea the book had been nominated let alone won. (Shame I read the whole thing yesterday)

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