So, a couple of nights I foolishly (what WAS I thinking?) hit “yes” when iTunes asked me for an update. How was I to know that Quicktime has a patch error that makes it impossible for iTunes and Quicktime to communicate, thus making iTunes unusable?
As someone with tech skills just slightly above “ludite,” it took me hours of installing, removing, re-installing various versions of iTunes and Quicktime–one worked…except my library, created with iTunes 9, was unreadable to iTunes 7.6.4–to finally find a message board that explained this patch error. As a near-ludite, you can imagine that I have no idea what that means, nor do I understand how to fix it.
Which is to say: HELP!
Anyone know a way to restore the balance of the universe? Or should I just wipe the dust from my feet and walk away from iTunes altogether? I miss my music, but, mostly, I have a grant application due soon for which I need to make a CD of three work samples, and without iTunes I can’t do that (well, I could use Windows Media Player, but I’d rather not).
(Do I sound as douchey in this post as I think I do?)