IS it too soon for ....

count me in…

and oh yes…there will be queso, por favor

I know, it was odd, we seemed to get all your snow (I live in PA, but deal with the Eastern Canada for my job, plus my boss is Canadian - so I am well informed when it comes to Canada). For years I couldn’t even complain about the cold because one of the guys from Norther AB (I used to handle all of Canada) would call and tell me it was -40, and that point I don’t even need to tell you what scale it is…they are the same, Frakin Cold.

I think last year I was the only one who had gloves, and they were in the pocket of my spring/fall jacket.

Well, i’ll be in Dallas that weekend, but unfortunately there is a major con that i attend every year going on down the road a bit, so i’ll be there :frowning:

on the plus side, i will be able to come hang out Thursday night with anyone that will be around, as well as maybe stop in to say hi during the day/early evening on Friday and saturday, and maybe even brunch on sunday… R2 will be making an appearance at some point, and he might even have a friend along… (secret project)

too much drinking to do back at the con hotel and the major bash the 501st puts on every year to be at the meetup the whole time though :frowning:

last years timing was perfect, unfortunately the con rotates dates around a bit and they fell on the same weekend this year.

It’s a Dalek right? Please, please, please tell me it’s a Dalek.

um? taptap. Is this thing on?
G’day! This is my very first forum post blushes

Are Australians invited to this meetup thing? 'Cause I wouldn’t mind coming along if that’s OK with you guys?
The final space shuttle launch is scheduled just 3 weeks before, and I’m seriously contemplating an extended visit to your fair country. (if you’ll have me. lol)

Are you kidding? Of course it’s okay! Well, as long as you don’t force us to eat vegemite. =)

That would make the next Meetup not only International, but Inter-Hemispherical! (We’ll need to design a new T-shirt)

You’d be very welcome. Just be prepared for the initial, inevitable “shrimp on the barbie” jokes. :smiley:

If you can find a way to make it, I would love to meet you! It would be OSSIM!

I like vegemite, thinly spread on buttered toast. :slight_smile:

Yes please! But make it Marmite instead of Vegemite. :smiley:

Mmmmmm, marmite or vegemite, spread on lightly buttered crumpets or australian toaster biscuits. drools

In a word YES!! Would love to meet you! It’d be uber-awesome

^What he said!

curse you, you’ve stolen my thunder as “travelled farthest to be here” award".

I’m kidding i’ve spent some time in ozland and would be delighted to meet you.
on the “damn, still fomr the same hemisphere as the american people” ID

LOL. I can’t stand vegemite either! But I’ll be sure to bring some along for those that want a sample!

Thanks for making me feel welcome guys, this trip is still in the early planning stages and I’m still not sure how much leave I can get away from work. But hopefully, I can be around for at least part of the weekend to meet most of you. :smiley:

You have no idea how awesome this week-end is going to be!!! Can’t wait to meet you in person but… don’t steal my Best out of the US accent Award!!!
For your leave try my technique : Boss, by the way I can’t be here from March 17th to 22nd. It’s a family matter.

No worries. As long as you’re not from Aerelon you’ll do fine.

You know there is not only farm in Canada :mad: We have also a lot of Brewery :smiley:

It works out for everyone. The girls can drool over your French Canadian accent, and the the guys can drool over Juiceandbenny’s Aussie accent. It’s a win for all!

So if we have members coming (I know it’s not definate yet but…) from Ireland and Australia we should have a theme song to fit the truely global nature that the meetup would be then. I nominate Around the World - Daft Punk. :smiley: