Is anybody else noticing this?
The Wesley Problem (for those that don’t know) comes from the first few seasons of ST:TNG, when the writers of the show tended to rely on Wesley Crusher’s character to resolve whatever Disaster of the Week that Enterprise was encountering. Basically the writers got lazy, or they were trying too hard to bring in a younger demographic, and made this kid character solve problems that the most intelligent, experienced people on Enterprise couldn’t solve… and some fans got sick of it. (Caveat: This, of course, has nothing to do with the likeable Wil Wheaton, fellow geek and blogger, who was simply acting was was written for him. I’m just drawing an analogy here.)
But getting back to Eureka: since the beginning of this season, the writers seem to rely more and more on Sheriff Carter in order to resolve some complex scientific problem during an episode – a character that has no scientific training or experience. Now, Carter is smart – but he’s a dimwit compared to the geniuses that work at GD. His advantage is that he’s street-smart, and this is how the writers end up solving the Scientific Problem of the Week – by having him come up with some kinda “common sense” analogy, that sparks the imagination of one of the other “smarter” characters, to come up with an actual scientific solution to whatever problem GD’s facing.
Is anyone else getting tired of this? This craaap is becoming formulaic. Why does Carter have to be the genesis to the solution of every major problem in Eureka? Don’t the writers have faith in any of the other characters – why are they relying on Carter so much? I mean, I like Carter (and Colin Ferguson), but he’s not the whole focus of the series for me… and it’s simply not believable that he’s book-smart enough to help out with these scientific solutions. Why can’t Allison or Henry or even Fargo just come up with a solution to the Scientific Conundrum of the Week? Do the writers think we are uninterested in the other characters of the show?
Carter shines when using the qualities that the brainiacs around him don’t necessarily have… his courage, his willingness to act, his strength of character, his resolve, his sense of duty and justice and honor. These are the qualities that the writers should be using to help save GD’s ass every week. Carter doesn’t have to be “smart” to keep up with Eureka’s other characters. Carter’s attributes compliment Eureka’s genius. Eureka’s scientists can come up with their own solutions… and have Carter there to help implement them.
There’s nothing to be done about the rest of this season, but I think the writers should bear it in mind for next.