Iron Sky

From the guys who brought you Star Wreck, the story of the return of the Nazis from the secret moon base where they’ve been hiding out.


It’s just a teaser for now, sadly. You can follow development at their website.

A little late on this, but the new trailer is out (using actual footage this time)


Bonus, it is scored by Laibach! And the movie will be as well.

First week of filming is done. Check out all that goes into making Frankfurt look like NYC.


This movie will never come out

Six months ago, I might have agreed with you. It’s been in development a looong time. But they’re on the ground now, so we’re going to see something.

Whether it’s worth the wait is another matter entirely.

Some info on the effects side of the movie.


Iron Sky is complete, and will premier in February. (NSFW language)


Cool! So I assume it will be a few more months for the release to reach America?

Good question. I have no idea what kind of distribution is going on here.

Here’s the new official trailer.


Two words … Nazi … Strippers (see time stamp 1:32 above).

Sold American!