Iron Man vs Batman

just because it had to be done!

for arguments sake I’m (feel free to argue other points, I don’t know the comics well enough to argue off of that so I’m going to go with the last two movies from each Iron Man 1 and 2 and Batman Returns and Dark Knight)

and I’m going to have to go with Iron Man, Batman is tough and resilient but I think Stark’s suit would be too much for Batman

I tend to lean towards Marvel, but Batman will find a way.

He keeps kryptonite “just in case.” QED.

is always prepared. Tony gets drunk. Both are geniuses (geni? geni’im?) Batman can beat robots in nothing but tights–and has been said–he keeps Kryptonite. Which means he has vodka and a pretty woman for Tony.

but then Stark wins because he at least gets to see some hot chicks before he dies :smiley:

Who is it here that says “Batman always wins?” I’d probably agree in most cases, but damn! Ironman? That’s one heavily-armored recreational vehicle!!

Tony all the way.

Gosh, when you describe Tony that way…I feel kinda cougarish all of a sudden. :smiley:

ya I mean…wait what? :eek:

i think they are for different purposes… one man army v.s. one man police squad…

i think the one man army will win.

But doesn’t Batman also have an armored suit?

Yes, he does but it is armed with less than lethal weapons.

Did he get the kryptonite before or after he interacted with Superman the first time? If it was after, the fact that they’re from separate comic universes would reduce Batman’s ability to prepare for Iron Man.

Haven’t voted yet, but I’m leaning toward Iron Man.

Afterwards, good point. Yeah, Tony could win the battle the first time, if he blindsides Bruce. Thing is, three days later Mecha-Batman would show up at his door.

although Stark would probably find a way to otudo Batman…have to admit, Balter would not only find a way to get Wayne and Starks money, he would also end up getting a Batsuit that does what Iron mans does…all with a Head Six…and Bal-cubines

Iron Man the first time they ought
Batman the second time
trading off for eterninity


Ironman can make all his stuff and fund it. I think that’s super cool. However, Batman’s broken soul is more reliable. Batman knows who and what he is, whereas Stark is still discovering. In a pinch, I think I’d want Batman, but I’d rather fool around with Ironman. So in conclusion- Baltar.

Didn’t I do this one before?

Maybe its cause The whole twilight thing.

This one has been done before…and my answer is the same.

Batman (and I mean Mr. Bale’s version, not Mr. West’s) is a street fighter and that little bit edgy/crazy. There’s a 50/50 chance Iron Man would be suffering a hangover.

Depends on the arena I guess.

With suits on and in an open area, then Iron Man could lay the smackdown on Batman easily with his advanced weaponry. In a cage fight with no suit, Bruce Wayne would kick Tony Stark’s ar_e in no time.


Yes, you certainly did!

So this would be a good time to remind everyone to use Search (works better if you use just one keyword for me) before you put up a new Deathmatch!

my bad, I only checked back a few pages

Iron Man.

Hands down, Tony Stark is just more brilliant and resourceful.
