I’m just back from showing of Iron Man 2. Great movie, very enjoyable. I’m sure you all will go and see it soon, so I’m not going to give anything away. I just wanted to give you a heads up to stay until the end of the credits.
Indeed, I saw it last night with a bunch of friends, some of who are not geeks and did not believe me that there would be anything after the credits.
Made myself an easy 20 bucks.
Well, to be fair, it was a bit anti-climactic compared to the post-credits scene from the first one.
I don’t think I liked it quite as much as Iron Man, but it’s still probably going to be the second movie I’ve ever gone to in the theater twice (Star Trek was the first).
Well, with my forthcoming work travel, I decided to go ahead and go to it again today. One thing I’m wondering now is if the new chestplate design means that Tony doesn’t have the chest repulsor any more (replaced with his “one time use” weapon [that got a round of applause at the first showing I went to] maybe).
Not sure he replaced it just didn’t have a need for it in the situation. More then likely he added then took away. I soo wanted to see War Machine kick some butt. He did just not as much as I wanted (I blame that on the fact that is was Hammer tech). Oh and the Ex Wife lived up to who made it. Luv that line Tony said after it. Now with War Machine back at Stark I want to see the goodies he gives him. And the roof remark was great to. The writing in this was very good. They also planted the seeds for IR3 near the end.
On another note have they mentioned who will be the villain in IR3? I fig it would be the Mandarin but not sure how they could make it work.
I knew I should have stayed during the credits! I caved and left but they didn’t believe me. Sigh
I figured out during the movie where I saw the actor playing Hammer before. Crewman Guy in Galaxy Quest. Just another fun moment for me when I watched the movie.
I enjoyed it , but not as much as the first one. It reminds me of the last HP film, lots of necessary character development, less action.
At long last I finally saw Iron Man 2. Best thing about it? Now that I’ve watched it I can listen to the second half of 217!
Seriously tho, I went into this with no expectations given the general negative vibe that was out there and came out pleasantly surprised. Quality flick, some great moments and overall very watchable. Hard to outdo the first one, but this one was excellent in its own right.