iPad and iPad Specific Apps

Will say its not adobe’s job to ensure mobile safari can render it without crashes; well it is adobe’s job to make the code as stable as possible, for all of its clients which it hasn’t been all that great at. Its not like its horrible, it just not great but i don’t think its anymore unstable on other platforms. compared to the mac platform, and flash seems to do okay

that all being said this is simply apple being apple they lock down there devices for stability. it makes the user experience better by limiting the users options. so its simply the price you pay.

which would be fine, but the whole magical greatest web browsing experience thing in the keynote; without flash; well my BS-O-Meter starts to light up like a Christmas tree

Not trying to come off as an apple hater used a mac for years; there great machines for the basics, its just there spin just gives me a headache

I’m already running the HTML5 beta. :wink:

Hehehe, this is funny:


Heh. Saw that earlier.

I have a real disconnect with these “it’s a giant Touch” critiques. It’s a way-thin laptop substitute. You don’t stick your MacBook in your pocket, why do it with the iPad? Get a super-slim sleeve, and throw it in your handbag/manpurse/burlymanbag.

That may be ok in other parts of the world, but what are American men supposed to do? ^^

Put it in the basket of your cart?

I do in fact, but most American men don’t have one.

I call it a backpack or a briefcase although I am a Canadian so maybe we do things differently up in the snow. The size isn’t really an Issue to me. If I wanted it to fit in my pocket ill stick with my smartphone, whatever Apple says. This thing is a netbook of a sort. And that shouldnt be a negative

Still not going out to buy it, until either apple opens up there device. Or you know Google makes an open one.in a year or so.

True enough. Andy Ihnknato is a fan of these pants. He tried to get the iPad into one of the pockets and it was a hair too large. (I wouldn’t be surprised to see them add an iPad sized version to their lineup, though. Andy’s made them very popular with Mac geeks.)

Meanwhile, you could always wear this vest.

Double post so… ill just say mass effect is a cancer on free time

On a more serious note for people who will carry the thing in a pocket somehow, what’s to prevent a pickpocket from lifting an Ipad from someone’s pocket?

well the the brand new security device introduced by Apple should help

the i George protective system

Man with the Yellow Hat costs extra I assume?

The 5.11 Tactical Vest has been iPad certified!

Ooh… iPad discussion.

Aight, here’s my take, and forgive me in advance for sounding a bit the Apple fanboy.

Multi-task: As has been mentioned, it does multi-task under the hood. Also, it doesn’t need to multi-task at much as your standard graphic UI OS. While I’d like to see a bit more multi-tasking (on both iPad and iPhone) the way you’re allowed to switch between applications without ‘losing your place’ is damn near what we do on other OSs anyways. Allowing a few more apps to run in the background would be nice but from what I understand that’s just a matter of time and not much of it.

Printing and connectivity: Keeping in mind that a) the iPad OS is in it’s infancy for that sort of plateform and b) we are rapidly moving away from physical connections for standard usage, it isn’t too far fetched to assume that most data transfers will soon be done wirelessly. More and more peripherals are relying on Wi-fi instead (or in addition) to wires so it’s safe to assume that as such devices like Android phones, iPads and iPhones become more popular, peripheral manufacturers will be creating the necessary devices and software to have their products be usable by such devices. Finally, the iPad helps reduce paper usage, so I’m not surprised Apple didn’t trip over itself to make it print-friendly.

Target demographic A - home users: We’re slowly moving away from the paradigm where people who own computers are computer people who do computer things and more towards a reality where people want devices that do specific tasks or group of tasks. The majority of today’s users don’t want to tear their boxes apart, overclock processors, fiddle with their OSs, etc. They want to collect and share photos and texts, watch movies, send/receive emails, play games, listen to music, etc. A whole bunch of lifestyle stuff. They want it to be easy, not require an extra degree, demand minimum maintenance and if it can not require a room of their house/apartment to be dedicated to it, all the better.

Target demographic B - office users: This is more insidious but no less true; the iPad has amazing potential as an office computer. Not for developers or rendering farms or what have you, but for cubicle drones, customer service, sales representatives, etc. Being able to not only bring a note-taking device with you to see customers or in meeting but instead your whole fraking workstation, connected to your office servers or what have you at all times is a game changer for productivity. “Johnson, do you have those sales numbers?” “Oh, I forgot them on my computer.” “Why didn’t you just bring it here?” Simply put, a meeting isn’t just about planning work, it becomes about DOING work. On the spot. Custom apps to fulfill industry specific needs and companies specializing in coming up with those apps and how best to meet those needs are going to start popping up if they haven’t already. This is without mentioning how a device that requires so little maintenance will affect companies’ IT needs.

This doesn’t just apply to the iPad. But the same way iPods and iPhones didn’t just take a purpose and expended upon it, the iPad will do the same. Right now it looks like just a netbook substitute, but when the iPod came out it looked like an overpriced MP3 player. If we’re lucky, in the years to come we’ll have a few healthy competitors to the iPad. Regardless though, what looks like a gadget right now, I believe, is actually an important game changer.

Yeah, I think you’ll start to see this (or a similar device) as the generic replacement for a lot of specialized devices in industry. Those guys doing inventory? The people doing the census? They’ll all have something like this within the next four or five years.

And yeah, gramma will have been working it for a few years before that.

I am worried about the App Store garden wall, and the resulting demand-short price increase for real computers, but not surprised.


Yeah the thing has its faults but I love it. Its so much eaiser for me to grab that thing in the morning and check up on my news then grab my laptop into the bed or when I go to the gym. I use it as my tv player when I run on the treadmill. I used to use my phone for it but now I don’t have to squint, that alone makes the money I spent on it worth it.

IPad…making me healthy one run at a time!

A few weeks ago I finally got to hold one in my hands.

I’ve been hearing a lot of logical reasons against getting an iPad, but ya know, I just don’t care. I really want one.

The very, very best reason not to get an iPad is: It’s a technology who’s impact is in its infancy and hasn’t realized its full potential whether good or bad. To early adopters that reason sounds something like this: “blah blah blah blah…”

…yeah, I’m probably getting one too sooner rather then later. I’ll probably hate myself if some other company comes out with something better though.

Cracks knuckles, in preparation for an I pad rant… na just kidding, I may not like Apple and its policies, but as for the ipad it seems cool, I had about 10 minutes to play with it. Liked the size and weight a good UI, I see who Apple is targeting with these, and it makes sence, personally ill wait until there is an open platform device. But that’s more a stance on principle than critique on the merits if the device. Flash missing is a big one we all know that it sucks, just as we all know that its everywhere, Still 10th hours of juice on one charge is a little bit of awesome in that walled garden.

So overall its cool enough, still I have rule no matter where it comes from never buy first generation technology. It only leads to the agro; I will be a little jealous of the marvel app, would love a didgital. comic reader.