iPad and iPad Specific Apps



interesting… damn interesting


startigng to look more and more like a big iPod Touch…

Live here.

iPhone + Kindle = iPad

I don’t know why everyone is making such a big deal about this.

Didn’t the Apple iPad come out years ago? :rolleyes:


I’m waiting til we get this one :smiley:


Dammit. I want one. </reluctentfanboi>

No multitasking, not even a camera. Fail.

Hrm, I dunno, trying to figure out what use I would have for one - I have a desktop(Mac) at home, a desktop(PC) at work, and an iPhone for the few minutes in between. :stuck_out_tongue: Guess I’m not mobile enough to see a use for this kind of thing.

Cool design though. Guess we know what the iPhone 4G will look like later this year… :stuck_out_tongue:


lookin like a fool with your iPants on the ground…

You don’t spend Sundays in bed surfing the web, I’m guessing.

Well, when I have three 22+ inch screens on my desktop machine, there’s some incentive to laze around at my desk instead :stuck_out_tongue:

When I do lie in bed awake, I’ll browse the web on my iPhone from time to time, but mostly I’ll listen to podcasts, requiring no screen whatsoever. I suppose the iPhone is ‘good enough’, at least for me anyways. As always, these products are designed to hit a specific market, (in this case, netbook/lowend laptop users), and with their low starting price I think they may be able to break into this market. Certainly fills in a gap in their product line.

It will be interesting to see how iApp developers handle this new screen. Hopefully they’ll produce some interesting new touch interfaces.

Here’s a list of predictions vs. realities.

“Error establishing a database connection”

Mad TV actually scooped the iPad a while ago…


I think I’d rather have something like this. If apple had something similar, I would sell body parts for it.

The form factor on this thing sucks. I don’t need BD Tool let alone BD Gun. I had such the right size with the Palm T|X. I’m not Jayne and like to hide devices in pockets at times.

Grumble. So close. The closest to replace my (sadly discontinued) Palm T|X handheld is the iPod Touch. While smartphones are nice, I want something to hold data that does not also make calls. The last thing I want is to curl up with a smartphone, read an e-text, fall asleep, and then call somebody while sleeping. The T|X avoided that but alas…

I’ve heard that somewhere before. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yours or someone else’s?

Why? Are you volunteering? :smiley:

I think it’s a viable option for someone who is wliling to trade some portability for a bigger screen. As a bigger portable chameleon device it works, and it certainly trumps Netbooks (which I can’t believe were even INVENTED), and if I’m considering an iPod Touch, I’m certainly asking myself if the difference between $400 and, say, $600-700 is that big for what I want out of it. That being said, I like my iPod Classic because of what I use these devices for, and my wife loves her iPod Touch, but I don’t see how it’s all that great.

Also, the iPad is going to be a kid-magnet of unknowable strength. I oculd never whip that thing out at home without my little guy running over and throwing a fit when he can’t touch it.

I just bought this new laptop and I really like it because I feel like I can do whatever I want. Being restricted so heavily on this device and putting your content within Apple’s oversight for such a cost is what gets me the most, as wavy tweeted.