Introducing your kids to Star Wars: A PSA video

Introducing your kids to Star Wars: A video I found via @katiecandraw (Star Wars artist Katie Cook)


“Binks killed Grandma.”

'nuff said.

I got a kick out of that one too.

i just like the visual of a dude in a jar jar suit silently waggling his jar jar ears over his kid’s bed at midnight. that’s scary to an adult.

“I didn’t start early enough with this one. I wish I had.”

The father’s face as the music played. tear

That was OSSIM!!

That was very cool. Now on a serious note, those with kids, at what age did you first show your child the movies? My son is 4 and I am wondering at what age should he be able to handle them, from your experience? And what order did you show them in?

My son is only 2 so we haven’t gotten there yet, but for me, you can probably show A New Hope pretty early, say 5 or 6, depending on your child’s maturity level.

That being said, I’m not sure how parents of ids that age handle the bones of the Beru.

I don’t know on that one. So far whenever our son notices those things, we tell them that the person is ok. try not to dwell on the point too much.

I think I was 6? when I first saw Star Wars? From a video store on VHS. Pre-special edition. It worked.

Man 6? I wish. I must’ve been 13 or 14 before I saw any Star Wars. tears up for lost childhood [Don’tCryForMe*Alderon]

That was great. I don’t have kids yet, but now I feel better about how to raise them, knowing this PSA was here to instruct me. Well played sir.

well its a well known fact sonny jim; that gungans eat puppies; and they molest kittens we all know its true…

I thought that eat kittens and molest puppies, my mistake.:eek:

My dad took me to Return of the Jedi when I was 2. I don’t remember the expirience but I was told I watched rapturously. I don’t know of an age when Star Wars wasn’t in my life. When I found out my son hadn’t seen Star Wars when I first met him, I gave him the original trilogy for his fifth birthday. Now he’s a Forcie for life. My daughter is just five months old and I’m starting to prep her for Jedi Training.

I don’t mean to sound like a spoil-sport curmudgeon, but let me make a serious comment here. (Oh my gods!! Thot is being serious, what’s the world come too!). Yeah,yeah. We’re all geeks. And we want our kids to be geeks and that’s all a fun notion and all. I understand that.

But all joking aside, there IS a such a thing as too young an age to see Star Wars. There’s considerable amount of violence and death in all all the Star Wars movies. And kids at a young age, can’t separate fiction from reality.
So if you don’t want to give them nightmares …be careful.

Yes, I realize it’s not bloody or gory violence and death, but, still …

Also, I don’t believe there’s any “correct” age. It depends on the kid. Some have a harder time separating what they see on the screen from reality.

Be careful, that’s all I’m saying. :slight_smile:

That is kinda what I was thinking. Thanks for the serious thought, Thot

Not trying to sound defensive, but I am grateful to have expirienced Star Wars at a very young age because it allowed my imagination to blossom. It’s overly-exaggerated right and wrong morality was very inspiring to me. Was my dad right to take me? I don’t know. But I do know that I hold Star Wars as a standard and wish to pass that standard down. Kids, especially boys don’t need movies to show aggressive attitude. I see three year olds playing with swords and guns. Our society already praises violence even more gruesome. With Star Wars, there is a code that comes along with it.

Understand that I am not telling anyone that I am right, merely saying what I believe.

OSSIM POST! This is probably the single best educational video I’ve seen this year (well, except for Sean’s video on how to correctly and safely use a jig/sabre saw).

I would hate to have been the reason my kids never watched a certain genre of movie again. That said, I’ve never forced the kids to watch anything. Little Shootette is probably the most protected (9 y/o), but she voluntarily plopped herself down with Shooter Jr and I as we went through Stargate SG-1, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings. She may, in fact, be the biggest geek out of all of them.

Now, would I even LET Little Shootette watch The Walking Dead right now? Crom no! But for other things, I’ll let her decide for herself.

Every kid is different. I would recommend catering to your child’s needs since you are the parent and know your child the best. But “A New Hope” is always a good place to start, in my opinion.

~Shooter Out

Yup, that’s the heart of it. Just know your kid’s tolerance level.

My 8 year old, for sure would lose sleep for several nights if she watched the Lord of the Rings movie for example. But I know, other kids are different.