Indie science fiction anthology incurs the wrath of Glenn Beck

The other day, we encouraged you to make self-published science fiction anthology Machine of Death into an Amazon top-seller. Turns out the book did well enough to upset Glenn Beck, who sees it as a symptom of the world’s ills.

Indie science fiction anthology incurs the wrath of Glenn Beck

They quoted Glenn Beck in the article. I’m sorry. I couldn’t understand what he was saying. How did he even write a book?

Glenn Beck is wrong on so many levels. The scary thing is a lot of people follow his every word, and BELIEVE what he is saying. Especially in this part of Texas, the ultra conservatives (many of whom live in my neighborhood) think he is a god. Frightening.

A feminist blog I read has a contributor “taking one for the team” and is reading The Overton Window chapter by chapter. It’s painfully bad (the book, not the blog posts :p)

It pains me to say that I used to listen to guys like Beck and believed they spoke for me until I started thinking for myself. Guys like Beck aren’t dangerous because they don’t really believe what they say. To them, its all a big game and they simply see their followers as points racked up. The dangerous ones are the followers because they WANT to believe in these “death worshipers” to whom they can label as enemies. Laugh at Beck because he’s a clown, a clown who has his own semi-cult.

It bothers me that this man leads scared and unsure people to a place even more scary and unsure while also shilling his gold business and his vitriol and hate.

I will never understand why someone would choose to follow such a man. He does not speak for the little guy. He speaks for his own wallet.

Have you ever read Stephen King’s Under The Dome? Fascinating read if you haven’t. The human villain is this town leader named Jim Rennie who is incompetent and lazy but fashions himself a leader in a time of crisis. He creates fake boogeymen to keep the town under his control and riles them up to get rid of his enemies.

The reason the town puts up with it is because they firmly believe there is no one else who can do the job better, a misconception that Rennie encourages by causing havoc to keep the populous preoccupied. Beck does the same thing.

The people who follow Beck firmly believe that the country is under attack ideally and that only they can keep the fabric from tearing apart. Beck manipulates this by pointing out the boogeymen who are destroying the country as he sees it. He makes them believe that anyone who thinks against him (and therefore against them) honestly wants to destroy the country and to do so as soon as possible. This creates urgency which keeps them occupied and therefore not thinking. The irony is that Hitler and the Nazis did the exact same thing, which is what Beck likes to label his enemies. The ultimate “he who smelt it, dealt it”.

When did cancer become able to diagnose a rash? :confused:

Oh my Crom that video on that link is OSSIM!


definitely one of my favorite Back in Black moments.

but even with that, the amazing Daily Show still couldn’t restore sanity.

If you haven’t, listen to the Tobolowsy Files’ newest episode “The man in the closet”. It’s an episode about fear (thus the reference is to monster in the closet, more than… the other kind of reference).

I just loved the explanation of fear in that episode. many things mentioned about fear can be reflected to Beck and his programs.