Indiana Jones IV (probably will be spoilers)

We caught the movie this morning and it was AWESOME! Wife-a-chu thought it was a little off from the others and not as good as Iron Man but worth it anyway. What’s everyone else’s thoughts (since I’m sure it will come up on GWC episode 101)

and possible spoiler:
[spoiler] it does count on science fiction [/spoiler]

saw the midnight showing last night.

i don’t care what anyone else says about [SPOILER]the aliens[/SPOILER] or general silliness of the flick, i frakkin loved this movie.

that is all.

and regarding your spoiler tidbit, one could say all 3 others do as well, depending on your perspective.

It was quite a ride and I enjoyed every bit of it. IMO, better than Temple of Doom, but a a somewhat close third to Last Crusade.

Re your question, I’d say it counts…

Date night toooonite !
The XO and I are going to see Indy and then dinner, etc etc…I am so hoping not to be disappointed !!
Indy’s Back !! Psyched ! This should help out with the BSG withdrawal this week…

Will post review after I see the movie (unlike many paid professional critics.) :smiley:

Saw the movie. Didn’t quite meet expectations, I guess. I’ll be seeing it again soon, so maybe my opinion will change, but…as of now I wish Last Crusade could’ve been the last hurrah.

And we saw it last night…

It was fun. But Last Crusade is still my favorite.

A few notes about the movie (These might be spoilers? So here come the tags…)


  1. It’s weird to see it in the theatre with non-English speakers who aren’t American. Because there were definitely lines (and quite a few of them) that only I laughed at. And when I asked my husband, who also speaks English, if he understood the references… yeah, no. So that was kind of odd.
  2. Quiche [K’iche’] (and other Mayan languages) are not spoken in Peru! Have never been spoken in Peru! The Maya and the Inca were two different empires (and at geographically different times…). So having the Peruvian indigenous peoples in Cuzco speak Quiche kind of pissed me off a lot. To start with the cultural insensitivity…
  3. Why was mariachi music playing in the background in Cuzco? Because that distracted me a lot. Because they aren’t in Mexico.[/SPOILER]
  4. OK I’m going to try to stop thinking about those things because they just made me dislike the movie momentarily.
  5. The chases were super fun.
  6. I love the academic/professor jokes.
  7. Multidimensional aliens? Kind of weird, but it’s fun nonetheless.
  8. Indy and Marion! Awesome!

Agreed… I mean, it’s still Indiana Jones and fun. But it’s not Last Crusade.

No, it’s not. I wish they had done “Fate of Atlantis”

Topgun, I hope the “dinner and etc, etc” weren’t as semi-disappointing as the movie experience. But the fact that you call your wife your XO… I salute you. How does she feel about it?

Yeah, I haven’t been brave enough to say it until right now, and I think after hitting post I’ll go hide under a rock, but the Indy movies strike me as way too full of craaaapp like that. How hard is it to hire a grad student as a consultant to make sure those things are done right? Grrrr. Ok, hiding away.

The way every wife feels: “I don’t care who is captain under me”

(which, incidentally, goes back to Chancellor Bismarck who said he didn’t care who was emperor under him)

Yeah, I haven’t been brave enough to say it until right now, and I think after hitting post I’ll go hide under a rock, but the Indy movies strike me as way too full of craaaapp like that. How hard is it to hire a grad student as a consultant to make sure those things are done right? Grrrr. Ok, hiding away.

I’m mostly with you on that. If anything, we’ll die together in a blaze of glory, just like Bonny and Clyde.

Seriously, there are so many cool mysteries out there, they didn’t have to bring in the aliens. Totally un-Indy. And as for the historical inconsistencies - I would have endured that if they hadn’t pulled the refrigerator stunt. All things being said, it was cool to see Indy on the big screen at least once (I’m not old enough to have seen the originals in the theater), but that’s about it, the soundtrack was awesome as ever and I really really liked that they used actual sets instead of the almighty greenscreen, I couldn’t stand CGI Indy. But yeah, they could have come up with a better story.

Be brave. Please!

And c’mon, they could have hired me! That’s not even my area at all, but still, they could have hired me! And then my name would be in the credits! and that would be cool. :stuck_out_tongue:

Give the track record and the subject of “Skull” I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.

It was fun, but where the original Indy movies were (together at least) pretty unique, this one was more like a load of other movies put in a blender and then poured out - nothing really different. I thought the opening 10-15 minutes was pretty wooden in terms of script and acting, but it picked up.

Overall, a fun ride, but it’s lost something since the early days - my verdict in any case.

It’s not just Indy films. Any film is filled with mistakes even blatant ones. Th’are be a plethora here. Sorry the pirate thing is starting to stick.

No, with you there completely. I like my sci-fi and ridiculous historical romps to be at least believable on some level, and this means trying not to get your history/archaeology completely wrong. There’s no need to for it - a little bending of the facts here and there is fine, but if you’re going to base a story (however loosely) on history then I think you should at least try and represent it as faithfully as you can within the parameters of your plot. But maybe that’s a particular brand of geekiness on my part, as someone who dabbles in archeology in a more-or-less professional capacity. I get much more out of something like this if the foundations of the historical backdrop are sound, whatever flights of fancy then ensue. But I guess they weren’t making it for the likes of me!

I actually don’t, I just used it on the post…I call her “All-Being, Master of Time, Space, and Dimension” normally, or just “Dear”…as in “Yesssss, Dearrrr.” Then she hits me a alot.:slight_smile:

Agreed. It’s either huge ego or plain laziness. Or both !


First time (of many) that pulled me right out of the movie.:mad:

Very very cool !

As a nostalgic trip to the movies, it was very fun although I would have preferred if he had been tracking down more religious icons of historical significance.

As a movie, it wasn’t very good, to be honest. It couldn’t stand alone if the characters were the same but had different names unrelated to Jones.

Agreed again, and among the group of us who went to see it we discussed whether the move from religious mysticism to you-know-what at the end was a deviation too far. I guess the religion thing still just about stands at a stretch, but it felt like a pattern had been broken.

And as for refrigerators - yes, that was just silly, and pretty much begged the audience not to even bother suspending disbelief.

We caught this on Sat. night. I’ll write in more detail after I have use of my left hand back, but I was disappointed at first. The more I thought about the movie, though, the more I liked it. I particularly like the ruminations on getting older and accepting not just your mortality, but your resposibilities and family. Maybe I’m getting mushy in my dotage!

edit: Also, I got a kick of seeing New Haven during the motorcycle chase. I did my master’s at Yale but haven’t been back in ten years. It was nice to see the place again.

I’ll second this sentiment, but then, I frakking hate Temple of Doom…

I’ve had the Indy boxed set for years, and I don’t think the Temple of Doom disk has made it into a DVD player yet. There were a couple of Indy marathons in the past few weeks which I’ve caught parts of which confirms my opinion of ToD.

Short Round = Ewoks

BTW, what is about being willing to watch a movie when it comes on TV (with commercials, no less), when you have DVDs sitting on your shelf???