In the spirit of the Hulk franchise, I’m gonna try a reboot of this thread. Everyone’s welcome to discuss their likes and dislikes of the movie in a fun and friendly manner. I’ll start.
[clears throat]
Lou Ferrigno is still the Hulk to me. While the CGI in this latest movie was, to my eye, less embarrassing than the last, I take the point raised by many that swapping your lead human actor out for an animated creation once you hit the climax kinda undercuts the emotional investment in the face you’ve been watching up till then.
When Lou burst onto the scene in the TV show, the fitness culture hadn’t completely hit mainstream yet; we weren’t deluged with the bodybuilders, the pro-wrestlers, the gladiators, the personally-trained actors, and other Shwarzenegger-wannabes parading around the screen these days, giving the illusion that everyone must look like that in real life. Nope, Lou was still unique enough to look, well, Incredible, when he strode in amongst those puny humans (and he’s still big enough to be impressive today).
And here’s the other great thing about the TV version of the Hulk. He didn’t kill anybody. I’m sure this was partly because of television standards for violence, but it contributed a unique trait to the character–because he was still David Banner on the inside, and David Banner was a good man, he would never kill, no matter how enraged he became. This may have shaved off some of the anti-hero quality the comic book Hulk carried, but I always liked this aspect of him. It was positive reinforcement for a little nerd like me that you could apply strength to a situation, even to the point of scaring people, without it meaning that you were a monster.
So I loved the TV show, as cheesy and formulaic as it was. I also liked this latest movie, and even the Ang Lee movie. I’m still not a big comic book fan, even after a more than a year at the GWC, but I do own a copy of Return of the Monster that I keep in a plastic sleeve. So, for better or for worse, I like all the major incarnations of the Hulk in different degrees and for different reasons. But I’ve philosophized enough for now, so I shall step aside and let someone else talk.