Skyfall comes out on Bluray/DVD tomorrow, so here goes another Geek Deathmatch: Ethan Hunt vs James Bond.
Could Jason Bourne kick both their asses? Would Michael Weston manage to outfox either of them? Could John And Jane Smith (Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt) destroy them with their hands tied behind their back? Would Jack Ryan out analyze them and take them down in the field? Would Harry & Helen Tasker (Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis) hold thier own against them?
For the purposes of this Geek Deathmatch I DO NOT CARE!!! This is IMF vs MI6, tech vs tech, team vs team, and Ethan Hunt vs James 00 freaking 7 Bond.
Choose wisely and let us know your thoughts below. Let the spy-games begin!!!