I want more Caprica!

Hi! I want more Caprica! after watching the Pilot Movie on DVD, I don’t want to wait till 2010! ’

I love it!!!

Will the GWC Crew be doing a Caprica Bonus Cast?

I agree. loved it. Like the hot girls. The GWC trinity need to stop what they’re doing and release a Caprica podcast immediatly!

If youve been sticking around bsg from the beginning you should be used to these long waits :]

I’m sure they will eventually, but I’m all about letting them podcast about whatever they want when they want. Though I have to admit, I’d love to hear an Audra boob report for Caprica! :slight_smile:

I would too because there sure were a lot of boobs in Caprica. In fact, I watched the pilot with my friends and all of our jaws hit the floor when the boobs first showed up. Certainly wasn’t expecting it in the least.

Yes I agree, for a community to spring from a show this is based on, they should do a podcast on it. It would be better than the last few crappy Star Trek movies that they are doing.

I’d like to hear a Capri’cast too, and I’m quite sure GWC will get around to it. Take into consideration that there are a frakking SLEW of bigtime genre movies coming down the pike shortly, and as it is our heros are going to be hard-pressed to keep up with the awesome content hitting the big screens this summer!
Caprica was great, and I can’t wait to see more, or hear Chuck, Audra, and Sean’s take on it. But thanks to our programming buddies at Sci(y) Fi(y) we’re gonna be waiting until 2010 to see any more, so we’ve got lots of time.

Really? They certainly made a point to emphasize the side-boob (TV friendly, and all that) in the commercials. Considering this was the “uncut” DVD, it stood to reason that they’d take it even further.

Capricast – I like that name :slight_smile:

Finally saw Caprica, I really liked it. I’m intrigued and hooked, so yes, I too want more Caprica.

When is it supposed to air? July 2010? Or am I confusing it with something else? Anybody know?

So say we all!

i don’t know what they are thinking when it comes to making fans wait over a year between new contents. I think that is probably one of the bigger reasons why BSG can’t gather enough momentum to create more viewers.

Here’s the thing I did love caprica it was different enough from BSG to be fresh, but I can wait i mean If nothing the sci/fi network has taught me two things. The first blinding rage and the second patience. Wait a minute NBC owns sci/fi i’m not being fair they taught me three things

blinding rage
and they blow goats for cancelling Kings

January 22, 2010… yay! Thanks, Maureen Ryan!

However, this date is when SyFy’ll show the pilot we’ve all already seen… so technically, new Caprica will start the week after.

And Journeyman.

The goats aren’t complaining. Too far? Well, it’s late and I’m punchy.

Update folks

Syfy.com is now reporting that Season 1 of Caprica will premiere on Jan 22, 2010 (a friday). set your tivo’s now!!! … -_-

I’m digging the idea that the Cylon rebellion has its roots in teenage angst. Having been a goddamn teenager myself, this is the most believable explanation for a genocidal campaign of destruction I’ve seen in a Science Fiction show.

I always felt that way about Cavil. Eventhough he was an old, crusty dude, he whined like a bratty teenager. “Mom!!! Why’d you make me human?!?!?”

Finally got around to watching the pilot and it was awesome, awesome and creepy. Frankly it was probably the best pilot for a tv show I have ever seen. Im curious as to how people will react to monotheists being portrayed as terrorists, have a feeling Mr. Moore will be recieving quite a bit of mail.