I just got home...(Transformers: 2) - SPOILERS

From watching Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. I took the wife, kid and mother to the 1235am showing. I must say I have never seen more people packing into a theater to watch a movie. There were 4 showing tonight 1201, 1215,1235, 1255 AM. I had purchased my tickets yesterday to avoid standing in line, which turned out to be a good thing. My tickets were for the 1215 showing. We went to the threater 1hr and 15 minutes early thinking it would be enough time to grab an ok seat. Well I was wrong, we walked into the theater and it was packed. Not being one to want to sit 3 inches from the screen and separated from my family, we hightailed it to the 1235 showing.

Once again we walked into a theater that was quickly filling up. I spotted 4 seat together midway up the staircase, the seat were located near the aisle but I figured screw it we quickly snagged the seats. I went and grabbed some popcorn which took 30minutes do to the volume of people (no joke). While waiting in line I noticed the 1255 show line had formed and was at least 90 deep. So 35min later, I walked back into the theater where my family was and it was now at capacity. I later learned that all 4 showings had sold out. And this is in an area where there are at least 3 Century theaters within 7 mils of each other (all had midnight showing of TF:2).

So we waited and finally the theater dimmed, after being treated to previews of what looks like other summertime crapfest flicks (2012, Gi Joe) to name a couple the feature started.

I had already heard people complaining about the movie on the net. So kept my expectations a little low and just wanted to see an fun action movie based on toys I loved as a kid. And I’ll say, I really enjoyed most of the movie. One of my only complaints was it was a bit to long. I’m sure some may disagree but the editors could have knocked 30min off and still told the same story. The worst part was when the movie projector shut down about 40 minutes from the end!!

Also the movie had it’s cheesy/lame and goofy moments.[spoiler] The dogs humping, Wheelie leg humping, Pot Brownies, and Devastator’s balls (which I did lol at)[/spoiler]But come on people it’s a light hearted action movie based on kids toys. Some serious Oscar worthy action epic like Saving Private Ryan (screenplay wise). Also I enjoyed [spoiler]the nods to the 1986 movie; Matrix of leadership anybody[/spoiler] Also the New Transformers were nice although the comic relief did go overboard and I can see how some folks might get a little offended [spoiler]The Autobot twins speaking ghetto
slang and one even sporting a gold tooth[/spoiler] As for Arcee [spoiler] Sorry Sean and Arcee fans she had 0 lines and had about 3 minutes of camera time in a 2 hr 55minute movie[/spoiler]

Overall if you can suspended belief for 2hrs and 55minutes, and slip into summertime movie mode you should enjoy this. Also if you look beyond the explosions and screaming there is a very good Sci Fi story being told. If you enjoyed the first live action movie then you should enjoy this movie. If you’re a person who hated or disliked the first. Don’t bother going to see this one. All you’ll do is come back with stories on how it sucked and that you disliked it. Me, well my family and I enjoyed this very much and at least my 13yr and I will be back to see it again sometime in the next week.

G’nite kids

Sorry for the typo’s and spelling errors it’s 430 and I’m tired!!!


[spoiler]Did they have spinners, too?[/spoiler]:smiley:

One thing is certain, this film is definately going to do well.

I too was shocked at the volume of people who went to see this movie at the midnight showing. I live in a small town whose crowning jewel is a big cityesque movie house. Not like a rinky dinky singleplex but a sweetly decent theatre that takes up an entire block (8 theatres average of about 150-200people capacity and there aren’t enough people in the town to fill it. Ever.). Every theatre in the moviehouse showed the film for one midnight showing.

I arrived an hour early to scope out good seats and it was as if they had bused people in from other towns to see the movie because it took me twenty minutes to get thru the doors and inside. It was only then I realized that I was also in line for concessions. Which was another half and hour just to wait for a diet coke. If it wasn’t like 100 degrees out and in a cramped theatre, I would have just went for my seats. So after concessions I got in line in from of my theatre. Luckily I got my ticket when they started going on sale last week so I was in one of the bigger theatres. However there were at least 100 people in line in front of me so I got a seat way closer than I am used to. I was off to the side so i didnt have to crane my neck so much.

Having said that, I was disappointed in this film. I didn’t read reviews and went in with the excitement that I did coming out of the first film. The story however was excellent and classic Transformers (epsecially the out out or two to the 1986 film). My biggest issue with the story is that it assumes you know a lot about Transformer lore and doesn’t really explain things to you (I went with a friend who never saw the cartoons and she kept asking me questions). Other than that it is a rich and complex yarn. Which is also a downside since most people come to a Transformers film (a majority of whom have never see the series and judge the franchise by the feature films alone) to see the action and the lessons of love, leadership and sacrifice, which are at the heart of the film, were completely lost.

I plan to see it again before making a final judgement. I have found that overall a midnight showing is not the best setting to make judgements on films.

It was good. It could have been better.

Hey guys. I caught the midnight showing last night in a packed theater. They had the movie on two screens and both were sold out.
I had read a few reviews before going to see this movie and most weren’t that good. These reviews and their complaints(story hard to follow, the plot doesn’t make sense, etc) kept rolling through my mind. Imagine my surprise when i discovered that almost all the complaints that people had were completely off base.
Yeah there are a few problems. It can get wacky/lame in some places but its suposed to be a fun summer movie. Their are some plot holes, some blink and you’ll miss it moments (including Arcee’s lines) and they brought back a bit of immature humor. All of this can be forgiven by the massive amounts of Baysplosions and kick ass robot action. The story is easy to follow, they explain almost everything. You just have to watch it and not get caught up in all the Baysplosions (I love that word).
I enjoyed this movie and so did my 4 friends who went with me. We plan on seeing it again this weekend. And while the movie is a bit too long, the biggest disappointment of the night happened after we left the theater. My girlfriends Chevy refused to transform into a robot…lame:D

Tell her to take it back and demand a refund! :smiley:

I wish I could have gone with you guys, but work drama is teh suck. And Wednesdays are my short-staffed day anyway. Glad you guys enjoyed it, though!

She won’t. At least I still have Bluestreak. :smiley: We’re going back to see it on saturday.

…Which is when I’ll be watching it in NYC…

I am now thankful for GWC and teaching me to take a light-hearted view of movies like this. I took it for what it is, and what it is was awesome. Ghetto-bots, humping dogs (and Decepticons), giant clanging robot balls…hysterical. This isn’t Shakespeare people, this is a movie about transforming robots based on toys. It definitely was focused on the teenage boy crowd…and you know what? Any guy I know can revert to that mindset in about a second. So instead of turning up my nose I leaned back in my chair and sincerely enjoyed it. Did everyone else get a free comic book movie adaptation when they purchased a ticket?

Well, the reviews are certainly not pleasant:

The film is earning a 21 percent rating at the review-aggregation site RottenTomatoes.com, marking it as one of the most poorly reviewed films of the year. (At rival Metacritic.com, it’s not doing much better, with a score of 42 out of 100.) But what’s really striking is the vitriol with which some critics are attacking “Transformers,” to wit:

• Eric Childress, eFilmCritic.com: “The single worst film to be released thus far in the summer of 2009.”

• Peter Bradshaw, The (UK) Guardian: “Like watching paint dry while getting hit over the head with a frying pan.”

• Manohla Dargis, The New York Times: “Cretinous.”

• Steven Whitty, The Newark (New Jersey) Star-Ledger: “Can you thwart a migraine for two-and-a-half hours?”

Cretinous. Agree or disagree, you gotta love that description.

You missed my favorite one…Roger Ebert’s opening line to his review, “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” is a horrible experience of unbearable length, briefly punctuated by three or four amusing moments."

juste came back from the movie

well…it was entertaining…no doubt

but i am sorry…there where parts in it that made me want to bash my head against the seat in front of me.

the dogs…not funny…even TWICE

the idiotic new character…sam’s roomate…useless beyond belief

ah…but the twins…oh, the twins…i am sorry…i know they are the comic relief and that i am supposed to laugh and stop using my brain and all that…but they are pure garbage…they are JarJar Binks…only worse

they truly came wthin in a very small inch to bring down the movie…by themselves[/spoiler]

well…if somehow you can survive that…you will have a good time

crap…wanted to hide the spoilers…sorry about that

Wow, those reviews are very disheartening… I’m going to see it in about half an hour, and now I’m a little worried.

one day…we should start a tread somewhere about the phrase…

“turn off you brain and enjoy…it’s only a summer movie!!”

euh…might be my snooty french brain…but


No worries. Fixed. :slight_smile:

I will admit that I am disheartened that it wasnt as good as the first, however, I enjoyed myself because I took the movie as it was. People are being so critical. Not every comic/cartoon based action film is going to be The Dark Knight, they need to get over it. Its a film about giant robots that talk and kick butt, and that is what it was. It was created to entertain. The reviews I have read make you think that it was Gigli-bad when to me at least, it wasnt as perfect as the first. I still plan to see it again and in all honesty, any Transformers fan, who takes the film for what it is will not be disappointed.


I’m still going to see this potential train wreck, though. I’ve enjoyed a lot of movies, at least a little, that were summarily panned by the critics. I even had a decent time in the theater at Star Trek: Nemesis, knowing full well what the critics said about it. I just make up my own mind, and if I’m wrong, at least I had some yummy buttery popcorn!

I still don’t understand why people don’t like this movie. it isn’t that bad. It’s no Reign of Fire or Max Payne. Yeah there are some dumb moments but, who cares? BAYSPLOSIANS! C’mon! Me and my 5 friends enjoyed it and so did almost everyone in the sold out theater. Because, BAYSPLOSIANS!:smiley:

I haven’t seen the movie (and actually, given our summer finances, we’ll prolly wait until we can netflix it) yet, but I agree: cretinous is kind of hilarious to use in a review.

I tremble at what the New Yorker will say. I love their prose, but their film reviews? Um, they hate anything that’s “genre.” sigh.

I just got back. Still not sure. On noe level I hated it. Shit plot, terrible humor that i laughed at once or twice, useless unfunny characters. But there were a few things that really bothered me
[SPOILER]Megan Fox didnt ride Arcee
Arcee’s general lack of being there
not enough starscream
I dont give a frak how old Optimus is he cant take on Starscream Megatron and others like he did in the forest
not enough Starscream
In general there was a lot of shitty, useless material that ruined my big robots smash shit movie[/SPOILER]