From watching Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. I took the wife, kid and mother to the 1235am showing. I must say I have never seen more people packing into a theater to watch a movie. There were 4 showing tonight 1201, 1215,1235, 1255 AM. I had purchased my tickets yesterday to avoid standing in line, which turned out to be a good thing. My tickets were for the 1215 showing. We went to the threater 1hr and 15 minutes early thinking it would be enough time to grab an ok seat. Well I was wrong, we walked into the theater and it was packed. Not being one to want to sit 3 inches from the screen and separated from my family, we hightailed it to the 1235 showing.
Once again we walked into a theater that was quickly filling up. I spotted 4 seat together midway up the staircase, the seat were located near the aisle but I figured screw it we quickly snagged the seats. I went and grabbed some popcorn which took 30minutes do to the volume of people (no joke). While waiting in line I noticed the 1255 show line had formed and was at least 90 deep. So 35min later, I walked back into the theater where my family was and it was now at capacity. I later learned that all 4 showings had sold out. And this is in an area where there are at least 3 Century theaters within 7 mils of each other (all had midnight showing of TF:2).
So we waited and finally the theater dimmed, after being treated to previews of what looks like other summertime crapfest flicks (2012, Gi Joe) to name a couple the feature started.
I had already heard people complaining about the movie on the net. So kept my expectations a little low and just wanted to see an fun action movie based on toys I loved as a kid. And I’ll say, I really enjoyed most of the movie. One of my only complaints was it was a bit to long. I’m sure some may disagree but the editors could have knocked 30min off and still told the same story. The worst part was when the movie projector shut down about 40 minutes from the end!!
Also the movie had it’s cheesy/lame and goofy moments.[spoiler] The dogs humping, Wheelie leg humping, Pot Brownies, and Devastator’s balls (which I did lol at)[/spoiler]But come on people it’s a light hearted action movie based on kids toys. Some serious Oscar worthy action epic like Saving Private Ryan (screenplay wise). Also I enjoyed [spoiler]the nods to the 1986 movie; Matrix of leadership anybody[/spoiler] Also the New Transformers were nice although the comic relief did go overboard and I can see how some folks might get a little offended [spoiler]The Autobot twins speaking ghetto
slang and one even sporting a gold tooth[/spoiler] As for Arcee [spoiler] Sorry Sean and Arcee fans she had 0 lines and had about 3 minutes of camera time in a 2 hr 55minute movie[/spoiler]
Overall if you can suspended belief for 2hrs and 55minutes, and slip into summertime movie mode you should enjoy this. Also if you look beyond the explosions and screaming there is a very good Sci Fi story being told. If you enjoyed the first live action movie then you should enjoy this movie. If you’re a person who hated or disliked the first. Don’t bother going to see this one. All you’ll do is come back with stories on how it sucked and that you disliked it. Me, well my family and I enjoyed this very much and at least my 13yr and I will be back to see it again sometime in the next week.
G’nite kids
Sorry for the typo’s and spelling errors it’s 430 and I’m tired!!!