…no I didn’t really ;)…
But the Firefly Arc is bringing back memories of when I was a kid maybe 8 or 9 years old.
And like a lot of boys of that time I had action figures like Johnny West, GI Joe and Big Jim. No I did NOT play with DOLLS, these were ACTION FIGURES not Dolls
Anyway, so when I was that age I took a cardboard box that was maybe 3 foot long by 1.5 feet wide by 1 foot high and I build a space ship out of it.
It had rooms and a control console, dinning area, engine room —all that stuff.
It was essentially Serenity in spirit although I can’t remember what I named my ship.
And my Johnny West doll…um…I mean action figure … was pretty much Malcom Reynolds – a Cowboy space captain.
GI Joe was kinda Jayne and kinda Shepard Book if that’s at all possible.
And Big Jim was sorta Simon.
Now, if I’d been Joss Whedon I woulda gone the extra mile and borrowed my sister’s Barbie dolls for “Kaylee”, “Zoe” etc. but that didn’t occur to me at the time.
I would use my GJ Joe Helicopter as a shuttle. And my GI Joe EMT vehicle I used as another bigger shuttle that could also drive on a planets surface.
The Firefly arc has stirred up fond memories of my playing for hours and hours with what was kinda similar to a “Serenity” and her crew.