I invented Firefly in 1973

…no :stuck_out_tongue: I didn’t really ;)…

But the Firefly Arc is bringing back memories of when I was a kid maybe 8 or 9 years old.
And like a lot of boys of that time I had action figures like Johnny West, GI Joe and Big Jim. No I did NOT play with DOLLS, these were ACTION FIGURES not Dolls :smiley:

Anyway, so when I was that age I took a cardboard box that was maybe 3 foot long by 1.5 feet wide by 1 foot high and I build a space ship out of it.
It had rooms and a control console, dinning area, engine room —all that stuff.
It was essentially Serenity in spirit although I can’t remember what I named my ship.
And my Johnny West doll…um…I mean action figure … was pretty much Malcom Reynolds – a Cowboy space captain.
GI Joe was kinda Jayne and kinda Shepard Book if that’s at all possible.
And Big Jim was sorta Simon.
Now, if I’d been Joss Whedon I woulda gone the extra mile and borrowed my sister’s Barbie dolls for “Kaylee”, “Zoe” etc. but that didn’t occur to me at the time.

I would use my GJ Joe Helicopter as a shuttle. And my GI Joe EMT vehicle I used as another bigger shuttle that could also drive on a planets surface.

The Firefly arc has stirred up fond memories of my playing for hours and hours with what was kinda similar to a “Serenity” and her crew.

sadly your firefly was a total sausage fest… i think that kind of environment would have turned the guys on the ship into reevers…

What did you expect me to do? Steal my sister’s Barbies and get girl cooties all over me? :smiley:

you have point, cooties is much worse than reevers!

As a former 8 or 9 year old boy, I have to agree. Can’t have girl cooties mingling with fantasies. As a 38 or 39 year old man, there are nothing but women cooties in my fantasies.

Thot, just when I thot you couldn’t move up on the cool meter you jump up several notches. That is just ossimsauce on ossimpie with an ossimcherry on top.

Joss Whedon is gonna sue somebody!

If you could have just seen River Barbie, Zoe Barbie and kaylee Barbie as ACTION figures instead of dolls, YOU could have been Joss instead of Joss.

Johnny West?

Jonny Quest?

Action Jonny?

I have found your River Action Figure

I think that is Zoe!:eek: Or maybe it is the lighting…

it is a a black barbie actually…

but before you can get Zoe in one of those outfits by pointing a gun at Wash’s head, I think Mal will be volunteering to wear that…

Joss isn’t the first one to rip off your idea though. Battle Beyond the Stars (now there’s a film that needs to be watched in the cast) did the whole western in space thing years before Firefly, being essentially the magnificent seven with spaceships. There’s even a character called cowboy, who has a transport ship that’s like a big rig truck. For bonus points he’s played by George Peppard!