I have a confession to make.

I really only watch Lost episodes on my DVR when my wife wishes to watch them. I have caught the episodes from the beginning (once again, watching with my better half), but the series ‘lost’ with the first reveal of the polar bear at the beginning of Season One. A polar bear?

Can you forgive me? I really love good and bad sci-fi, but I was really thrown by the sudden absurdity of this reveal. Little did I know that there was so much more absurdity to come… :o

I don’t watch it at all so your safe. :slight_smile:

It grows on you. Then you have to itch it. Then you seek help. Help is not available. You wind up falling in love with it and can’t get enough of it. It’s a puzzle you don’t want solved but need solved. Your brain will hate and thank you at the same time.

Man, you hit the nail on the head. I also started watching it cuz my wife wanted me to watch it with her. And now, it’s the show I hate to love and love to hate. I’m always glad when the season of Lost comes to end so I can be rid of it. The redeeming quality of the show: It’s love story, every story is a love story (Badgerspoon hates when I say that, but it’s true.)

That sounds like a relationship. :smiley:

Not necessarily a healthy relationship mind you, but point well taken! :slight_smile:

I totally agree with you; I watch it because one of my best friends (and a lot of people I work with) are thoroughly addicted but secretly, I don’t think much of it. End of the day, I don’t care about the larger mystery, and since the lame characters keep sticking around, I’ve stopped caring about the good ones too.

But I still watch it, so what does that say about me? Only one more season to go…thankfully.

I look at Lost the same way Hurley looks at fried chicken.
I like Lost, and I like that I like Lost…of course he was in a mental hospital.

I’ve always gone for the girls who burn me in the end anyway. :wink:

(I’m waiting for Lost to end and see what the fans say, If they say the ending was good then I’ll get into it.)

You and me both, Cody. You and me both.

And BTW, congratulations in advance on your imminent OGness!

You love it and hate it…
And thank you!