I Am Legend movie

Has anyone heard any buzz on this ? I Am Legend was a great Matheson novel, actually the first very first adult sci-fi novel I read as an early teen. It was made into a Charlton Heston vehicle “The Omega Man”, a long time ago, but I never cared for that incarnation. Now we’ve got a new movie starring Will Smith set to be released in December !! How did I miss this ? Can’t Wait !!

There was an even earlier adaptation titled The Last Man on Earth which starred Vincent Price (and was actually a better adaptation than Omega Man).

From what I have seen so far I have cautious optimism that the new movie will at least be somewhat faithful to the book, but after the disaster that was I, Robot I am somewhat worried about any Will Smith adaptations at the moment.

I did not know about the Price incarnation. I’ll have to check that out.

Maybe if this sig line is witty enough someone will finally love me.

I love you just for the XKCD reference.

i’ve seen the trailer for it, looks promising.


Heh. Yeah, it’s a variant of an XKCD comic. But let’s face it; what else is a sig line, really? (It was a tossup between that one and “Everyone stand back! I know regular expressions!” That one is actually posted outside my cubicle at work.)

That looks so very, very suhweet.

Intresting story I was there when they filmed the bridge scene from the movie. It was so Frackin cold that day. And it was all right on the river none the less.

god wil smith is in it, ffs . . .

It looks like they’ve jazzed it up a lot, the novel took place in the 'burbs. I always pictured Bruce Willis as Neville, he seems to have the inner dialogue-expressed-verbally thing down pat (a-la-Die Hard). But I like Smith, and will see this movie.

I agree, Will Smith doesn’t seem to have that internal-monologue-spoken-externally ability from what I have seen him in.

Though I think a good Neville would be Chief (Aaron Douglass), average dude just wanting to get on in life till the vampires come…

But I’ve always been a cheap date when it comes to Richard Matheson so…
i’m all good, but i still would have prefered,another actor, Will smith is good in most of his movies, just wish it would have been clive owen, but hey thats just me :slight_smile:

I just hope he doesn’t turn up as the fresh prince of bel-air or the self-conscious ‘star’ actor he usually is and actually puts in an acting performance for once.


They say a better quality version is coming soon.

That very last scene was very Sigourney Weaver/Alien-ish.

Dunno why everyone is downing on Will Smith or on I, Robot. I love I Robot and will smith acting really made me like that movie. It made the movie fun. But to each his own. From the two trailers I have watched (they just put the second up on IGN) it looks really nice. I never read the book to I, Robot nor have I read the story to I am Legend so whatever they do with the movie is fine by me.

I, Robot was a travesty, and an affront to Isaac Asimov’s original material. Sorry, Big Asimov fan. Had to say it. :o

I Am Legend looks interesting, I’d like to see what Will Smith does with it. He’s got good acting chops when he wants to, and Neville’s character is interesting enough to warrant Smith flexing his thespian muscles. Although I heard somewhere that the screenwriters put a live kid in the story. I hope not, that would make no sense, unless the movie got hollywood-ized (say it ain’t so!). That’s just hearsay, btw, so we’ll see!

Well, the book takes place in the southwest, in a small town, and Neville lives in a single family home. He’s an alcoholic barely functional nearly crazed survivor who’s biggest thrill is trying to hunt down and stake his neighbor, who, since becoming undead, has become a serious pain in the ass.
The movie shows us Neville as a dazzling scientist in the middle of New York City, doing chin ups and toting a gat…
Hollywood-ized ?? most very likely !!!

But I still can’t wait to see it, I like Will Smith and if they have retained any of the feeling from the book at all it should be a good show…

Wow, shows how much I know… I didn’t even know Omega man was a vampire movie… that rocks. Now I have to go back and watch it!

just to clarify I was referring to the new I am Legend movie…I watched Omega Man shortly after reading the book and didn’t go for it much, although maybe I should do a rewatch and see how it goes now that I’m a grownup.