Howl with Laughter (SFW)

Boba Fett…always the good businessman






Just stumbled across this. Obviously a bit dated, but funny nonetheless.

Star Trek SNL

Don’t know if this is a ‘howl’ or not (talk about a forum subject line putting us under pressure) but we watched Stargate this weekend and this was the first thing that came to mind during this scene:

That definitely made me laugh out loud. I even spelled it out. See?!

Jon Hamm did a pretty convincing Robin Williams. That was amazing.

Bill Hader sounds just like Alan Alda. His Al Pacino, not so much. I don’t know who played Eddie Murphy or Pee Wee Herman but they did a good job also.

The moment with Prince was LOL funny.

I have not seen that. Thank you.

“To not like it would make them dick-heads.” spleenburst


Just some OSSIMNESS!!

Is there a vent?


Who you gonna call?

Oh… thats what happened…

Has any one seen this

My god are these funny as hell.

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This is like transformers dancing :wink:

Your link was broken. Made me howl. Thanks.

Try that one

Once again, It’s like transformer dancing :wink:


The power of Bob Marley. (:

I really did laugh when I saw this. Sorry for the cell phone cam quality.


Here is the extended version. Somehow loses its punch, but still funny.


Wallpaper size image here: