Howl with Laughter (SFW)

Yeah, whatever. Where were you a week ago?

Dude–no way! I really didn’t see that.

You posted first - so you deserve the OSSIM credit…well played, sir!


so sorry I’m slow!

Pike gets:

touchdown arms with RAWK hands & headbangin’ hair tossage

what kind of hands?? :smiley:

No, no. It’s fine.

Nobody reads my sig, either…

Sorry, Sarge.

HAHAHAHAHA!!! That really is excellent! I love the miniature printing press that the boys club has!

Buying Pike an ‘IGNORE ME!!’ T-shirt



“My Imzadi…”
“My Zimbabwe.”

Loves it.

Really difficult quiz.

That show would be great!

Awesome interview. If I ever became an actor, being on a Trek show would be priority #1. It doesnt get much cooler than that.


…actor doing Ian McKellen, doing Fresh Prince with LOTR music…FTW!!



I have a new desktop background. Thank you.

Here is a really cool picture. you will have to tip your screen back and forth so its easier tocheck it out on a Laptop.

Warning: Hitler and Hypnotoad images

Wow, I though three dimensions were required for that to work. I guess I don’t have a good grasp of how flat screens work though…

This is how it works