Howl with Laughter (SFW)

Another Hello Kitty possession. So sad.

It happens. Protect yourself.

Peter Griffin laugh

If you aren’t familiar with Today’s Big Thing, then you are missing out.

This had me rolling with laughter: WTF Collective

So that’s where all the white rappers went after the Beastie Boys left town. I was wondering. Thanx.

They all saw Vanilla Ice and ran like hell.

I’m just the guy that stole the chorus! /talos sings

Those are brilliant!

Jeebus I’m old.

Prepare for the nightmarish vision that is, Willy Wonka:


It gets worse

Have to laugh at that Armando. I was pretty shocked by the President’s award, given the multitude of nominated folks who are actually working toward world peace and fighting global hunger. Now his hands are really tied. Think it’s less of and award and more of the world saying back off USA. Will be very tricky for the Peace president to fight the war on terror.

I thought he got the award for not being George Bush. I wonder when all of our checks will be arriving then? :wink:

There is that.

For Leah, Keara, and anyone else in need of a chuckle, my friend Harmony posted the Star Trek gag reel on her site. Apparently there’s no directive against head-crushing…

I too found it ironic that right as the man sends thousands of more troops to war, that he wins a peace prize

though I think the Nobel prize is a joke now

whatever you think about Global Warming I fail to see how that has anything to do with PEACE?

next year’s winner: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad confirmed!

Enough with the serious. This is Goblin Bloggin’!
