Howl with Laughter (SFW)

And by precious tween you mean you are drawn to her? You find her attractive! Shame! Shame on you! You could be arrested for that in most states!
yeah dude, I found her cute too

Well she is dressing like a UFO girl…


Chad Vader…rockin da mike!

Double coupons are killing me.

HA! and the little dance at the end. ouch

Solai’s new avatar makin’ me howlin’



not sure how much of a howl with laughter this is…still…awwwwwwwwwwwwww

there’s a reason we grown up girls watch it, too:


Oh man, I’m going to end up buying the dvd or something, aren’t I?

Inglorius Wizerds.

Meet the Cyber Conductor:


Ah, Pike, just be glad you don’t have kids. Lazy Town is an abomination onto the Lords of Kobol (although a show extolling the virtues of getting off one’s fat, lazy ass in front of the TV to go out and exercise does get brownie points for irony). Total Eurotrash too. Those guys playing Sportacus and whatever the bad guy is called are so obviously Dutch swingers, I want to take that poor little girl away from them every time I watch the show.

Which, thankfully, isn’t too often as my oldest has long since outgrown it and my youngest is far from being interested in such things yet.

But…but…where’s Nathan Fillion? :eek:

Euro PDQ Bach?

I hate you.

it seemed redundant to decorate my avatar for Dr. Horrible, so I went with a totally different yet completely appropriate avatar change.

TFC, Courtesy of D*CTV



Best read in the style of Brad Pitt as Lt. Aldo Raine

So you follow up a disturbing example of the inhuman eurotrash puppetry our children are being subjected to with a bit of Austrian High Culture comedy. Lords of Kobol, I love this place.
