Howl with Laughter (SFW)

  • she WILL cut you…



Cat Yodeling


“shotgun weddings?” Damn, I’m nowhere near there.

I has a love…


Stuffed animals are an often overlooked commodity.

I had never heard Oops, I did it again all the way through.

Oh, the humanity!

Seriously, Craig Ferguson’s awesome.

You know that at this point in their respective careers, Craig Ferguson does that dance much better than Britney Spears does? He probably has less muffintop spilling over his bathing suit than she does, and he certainly has less chance of tripping something during a performance and going into an alcohol-induced coma. This is sad.

now that is funny


heh heh heh :smiley:

I am watching the original episodes of “Land of the Lost” with a HUGE smile on my face. Ahhhh…childhood memories of Saturday mornings with Will, Holly, Cha-ka & the Sleestaks. :slight_smile:

I just discovered a website called Awkward Family

here are some of the jems I found…

This dude…if he was lacking selves i could totally see being a a High school version of Sean

Whoa! I just found this site, too. I had to stop looking at work after I could no longer conceal my giggling. But I wonder - does this mean you also read Thinkin’ Lincoln - or did you hear about it from another source?

Um… What?

Obviously, you’ve never been to Denny’s late at night.

Found it via Face book