Howl with Laughter (SFW)

Courtesy of Cracked:

Holy Crom!! I hurt myself laughing at that.


f-in guy…

How do monks who have taken a vow of silence perform the Hallelujah Chorus?


To continue from my previous one:

Google Image Search: Redneck Christmas.

A new production of “A Christmas Carol”. In the original Klingon. Wait… what?

Charles Dickens just high-five’d Gene Roddenberry.

Bah Humbug - does sound pretty Klingon…

Kahless bless us…everyone!

EDIT - In the article…the Godfather…in Klingon?? Ok…that…might be kinda cool

14 women claim affairs with Santa

According to the North Pole Gazette, on Nov. 23, Santa got into his 2009 Ford Escasleigh and sped out of his driveway while Mrs. Claus chased after him with a giant candy cane. After traveling only approximately 100 feet from his home, Santa struck a fire hydrant.

“Santa crawled out of his truck and laid in the snow,” said an elf who asked not to be identified. “I went up to help him and I could definitely smell eggnog on his breath.”

That is frakin’ priceless.

Aurora Boreanaz :smiley:

I found this one while trying to update my avatar for the Tron arc:

I made some stickers today, and a friend asked where I planned to put them. I responded with what seemed obvious to me: “…everywhere?”

Kudos on Care. (:

After a while the governor got a little impatient with the State Assembly.

Sent to me by a friend.

That pic isn’t showing up. Says Access Denied.

Are you talking about this?