How will people find GWC?

I have a thot for the hive mind: How will people find GWC? Given the fact that we are covering such topics as Star Trek, Terminator and Transformers as well as ongoing discussions regarding classic sci-fi (Buffy, Anime, etc) my question is, how will someone find us?

I am forced to imagine there there are those out there who would greatly benefit from our community but simply don’t have an arrow to point the way.

I had this thot as I was searching for a memory upgrade for my brother-in-law’s old laptop this morning. Given the number of sites out there for one unique laptop I began to wonder…what if I substitute a laptop memory search for a search on Tron? Or Citizen Kane? Or Chuck? Once upon a time we had a discussion about how most of us found GWC, and a solid majority responded that it was through an iTunes search on BSG. Now in our brave new world of quickly changing content focus how do we let others know that we are here and talking about subjects that they love?

Word of mouth. Or, word of fingers, more likely.

Personally, I’m fine with a slow trickle of newcomers. This place is an oasis of sanity in the desert that is the intrawebs.

there is the new guy MAL3607 who found us just recently by looking for things BSG…

The BSG “filter” is still a good one…

I agree with Pike, slow and steady wins the race…

They will find it thru pain of DEATH…wait…i try to share it with people i know. Well most people. I have some spammer (read Ahole) friends who i wont share the site with. But everyone else i do. No one has yet to join

how many active members are we?

I know the member list says 1300… but do we know how many different members have posted in the last month?

“Active Members: 264” Not sure what the criteria for that is, though.

There are a lot of people that created accounts, some may log in, but might not post at all. So I would do a who logged in check for the last month.

But with the cast coming out every week, if they haven’t come in to lurk in the last two weeks, they might not be active at all.

I know that there are two discussion boards that I used to be part of and post a lot, but one I haven’t been on in a year and the other I check once a month, maybe…

I agree. Some of my favorite stomping grounds are those that aren’t overrun with riff-raff. It doesn’t take much to ruin a good forum. In my short time here, it’s obvious to me that this is a good forum.

That’s a setting in vBulletin. The forum admins can make the time period that defines “active” whatever they want. On my forum, I use 365 days (have to have logged in during the past year).

Well I just found the podcast by searching through iTunes. I downloaded several “geek” related podcasts at the time. This is my favorite, of course. Actually, I had no idea it was a BSG related podcast until I had already listened to a few episodes (my brain was seeing the titles as Galactic Watercooler, it never clicked). So, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I do plan on spreading the word to my geek friends about this site, as I am VERY glad I found it!

Huh. It was “GalacticA Watercooler” until the end of the series, and now it is “Galactic Watercooler.” I’m not sure when you came in, but you were either more observant or more prescient than you thought!

PRESCIENT: : foreknowledge of events: a: divine omniscience b: human anticipation of the course of events

Yep, that’s me.

Ich sage gerade. Wenn Sie eine geneigte Antwort hier nicht finden können, konnten Sie immer Herr Flick fragen

I’m just saying. If you can’t find a favourable answer here, you could always ask Herr Flick

or you could consult the I-Ching


Call into Larry King. Ask a question and then shout Galatic Watercooler at the end (ala Stern fans).*

If you happen to spot a network news or local news van parked somewhere doing a story, wait around and get questioned. Once again, shout Galactic Watercooler at the end.*

Wear GWC swag everywhere you go…pantsless of course**

*GWC does not endorse this

**GWC may endorse this

To keep it true to the GWC spirit, you’d have to keep it positive, though. So instead of “Howard Stern says you’re a fat pig,” it’d come out as “Chuck Cage says you’re awesome… whaddya think of that?”, which wouldn’t be nearly as provoking.

Maybe instead of using “Bababooey” as the cryptic catchphrase, we could use a sample of Sean’s sheep noise.

This is my most favorite idea ever.