How I think it should have happened.

Okay, so a little story.
The second time I saw Episode III was on DVD on Thanksgiving at my Aunt and Uncle’s house. There were quite a few people there and I remember watching the final scenes and laughing out loud when I saw Darth Vader shout “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

You see, I had, in my mind, re-written the scene. Apparently so much that when I saw the actual scene, I was surprised.
Here’s how mine went (I wanted to animate this, but I don’t have the time right now):

We open on the darkened room where Anakin lies recovering on a biobed. He is horribly scarred from the incident on Mostafar. Though his arms and legs have been replaced, and he is stabilized we hear a slow, heavy, and desperate breathing.

Sideous stands besides him. “Can you hear me, Lord Vader?”

Anakin’s eyes blink, and he stares up to the ceiling at the bright light shining down upon him. His voice is rough, torn
“Master…” His eyes search, and his mind suddenly jumps, and his body tightens “Padme. Is she allright?”

A pause “I’m afraid, Lord Vader, that… in your anger, you took her life”
Anakin eyes strain. Weakly the words slip from his mouth “No…”
“I am sorry my friend…” Sideous says.
“There’s nothing left for me then…” Anakin says coldly
“No Lord Vader.” Sideous replies “You have made great sacrifices, but our work is not finished. There is much to be done… and I need you by my side. Together, we shall maintain our new empire.”

Anakin’s eyes search around. He’s otherwise motionless on the table.
“I can hardly move”
“Your strength will return to you.” Sideous replies “But the damage was quite extensive…”
“I can’t leave the room without a support system” Anakin finishes the thought. “then… I will strike fear in the hearts of the enemies of the empire.”

Then a montage of Anakin lying on the bed with a display above his head. Going through a series of helmets, he settles on the familiar mask of terror.
Moments later we see the helmet close around his head, and that first mechanical breath is drawn.

So I know that my dialog isn’t fantastic, but I think it’s a bit better than Lucas’ and so there ya are. Comments and constructive critical feedback is welcome

i think your dialogue is far superior to GL’s :slight_smile:

With all these re-makes in the movie biz, I wonder if in 20 years one of the 20-something talented yougins becomes a famous director and re-do the Star Wars prequel saga.

Would you applaude and welcome or sharpen the pitchforks?

i would just love to get my hands on an editing machine ,rots is my favorite as long as i mute out certain bits of dialogue!! i want to edit together a more watchable version of the other two :slight_smile:

and LOL!! george already digitally remade his own movies!! :smiley:

Well, that would mean that copyright had returned to sane levels, so ‘welcome.’

That’ll never happen as long as the disembodied head of Walt Disney is still around. Mickey should have been public domain decades ago, but they’ve managed to get the law rewritten every time his copyright is set to run out. Frankly, I can only see that getting worse. :frowning:

Well I know that books become public domain a certain number of years after their author died. So, theoretically, each of us could publish an edition of Jane Austen or so.

But I have no idea if that goes for movies too.

In theory, yes.

So what does really happen?

What an excellent question.

I think with all the disappointment universally expressed over the prequels and the focus on CGI innovation over human emotion and direction, the prequel trilogy is prime for a retelling…

Hopefully after George is dead and can’t re-edit(/ruin) it into his own “special edition” hehe.

I personally was always disappointed that Palpatine was such a see-thru villain and wooden stereotype. I always thought TPM and AotC would have been better with more use of the clone technology. I had hoped Senator Palpatine was a good man, who got entranced by clone technology and had a copy made… who was not so… good. The clone would secretly replace the good man that was Palapatine and turn the position into a seat of power. The whole downfall of the Jedi and the galaxy would have been the fault of one good man’s selfish decision.

It would have been much more interesting acting-wise, and a little twist you might not expect from the usual A to B to C story telling of the prequels.

They move the goalposts. As RMHPH noted, it’s usually right about when Mickey Mouse is about to fall into the public domain.

Oh. Right. I should read all the posts.

Well that’s a real downer.

You know, every considered the ramifications of copyright laws for teachers? From a legal point of view, you’re not allowed to study excerpts of a work with the students that not all the students have bought, although that may still fair use, not sure about that.

But when it comes to movies, which are such an important part of culture, or TV shows, it says on all the DVDs that public showings are forbidden.

They can technically get around that. It’s a limited audience, classroom setting & they are not charging to watch it.

Part of it also has to do with the way the material is acquired. I know that my uni library pays much more for DVDs and what not precisely because it is multiple usage and it complicates who they can buy DVDs and other media from in order to stay within copyright… which is a pain in the behind when you want to teach with films or other materials that aren’t available through their normal channels…

I hear it’s even worse with music, because sheet music seems to be frakking expensive and in a choir or so, everybody needs a sheet.

Most choir’s use public domain music for that reason. Also there isn’t a lot of music written for choir performance anymore.

You can read all about it here.