I don’t mean my typical “I don’t want to go to the gym, I want to play on my computer/watch tv/ whatever” feeling that I just have to get through. My job is physical (sometimes. Too often and not enough at the same time). Tonight I was supposed to do 45 minutes of cardio after work. I was so physically exhausted after work this evening, I had a hard time getting in and out of my car. I thought to myself, “Well, I just need some food and hydration, then I can go work out”. During dinner I felt like it was taking all my effort just to stay awake and eat.
When that happens (Meaning, I hope I am not the only one this happens to) do you count the day as a “speedbump” where you are off the wagon and need to get back on? Do you count the day as a workout? I have found that if I do that, I will be Captain Lazy-pants for the next week (Oh that day was hard too, score. Another workout completed). Do you try to “make up” the workout later? Or do you just say “well, I guess this week I only get three workout days instead of four”?
Thanks for this forum. If this has been asked before, could someone link me the thread.