Houston area meetup?

I know Movie Dude has tried to get all of us together in the past, so let’s try again! There seem to be a few new Houston area GWC-ers, so what say you to a mini meetup? Any and all suggestions welcome…

Sounds like a cool idea =) Will just depend on the when/wheres and what not, but sounds fun!

I’m so up for this! Alamo Drafthouse is always good. Dave & Busters is fun, but $. I live on the south side and mostly when I go downtown it’s for special occasions so mostly I know food and not much else in the area.

Oh! Museums! We have so many museums.

The Alamo Drafthouse by West Oaks mall? We used to live in that area. We live on the north side of town, so that might be a good middle meeting place.

How is Saturday, March 2nd for everyone? Or do we want to wait until after the GWC meetup?

That works just fine for me, plus it’s in a mall and right near a bookstore and Best Buy and plenty of other stuff should anyone want to do that.

I think that works just fine for me! I’m game for other plans, though.

Are we still on for this? March 2nd, or do we want to pick another day?

What time frame are we looking at? I live in the Woodlands and work in Conroe and making it out to West Oaks on a Friday might be kinda hard for me.

There is a place similar called “The Movie Tavern” off I45 and Richey Rd that might be easier to make (never been there personally though).


All the way up 45 might be hard for me to get to, I live in Webster. Would Saturday work if Friday doesn’t? (Honestly, I think I thought the 2nd was a Saturday. I don’t get out until late-ish on Fridays.)

Yes, I meant Saturday. That’s the 3rd, right? Duh. That’s a better day for me as well.

Okay, after looking at both the Movie Tavern and Alamo Drafthouse showings, I’m not really inspired by anything playing right now. Is there a show at either one of those theaters that you guys really want to see? Because I am happy to go along with the crowd. Or we can just pick a place to eat that is somewhat centrally located (in the greater Houston area, hahaha) if we want to do that instead. I’m open to any suggestions!

I’m not going to be able to make it this week. My wife has to travel for the week and it’ll be a little tough with the kids. I’ll have to either catch everyone at the Dallas meetup or a different time in Houston.

Let’s reschedule then- I saw on Twitter that Movie Dude was under the weather too. We’ll all talk at the Dallas meetup, and pick a day we can all plan for. See y’all soon!

sounds like a plan! :slight_smile: