hobbit movie news

The new plot for the hobbit movie and how they are going to split into two movies has now been explained. In an interview it was disclosed The Hobbit will span the two movies that will include the normal story of The Hobbit and have the story of the White Council and the comings and goings of Gandalf to Dol Guldur interweaved in it’s proper timeline.


I’m pumped. PJ is awesome, and I can’t wait to see these movies.

Anybody hear about when these movies are due to be released?

Some time in 2012 I think.

Thanks Gryper. That’s a ways off.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile: It will be worth the wait cause P.J. is producing them.

sweet indeed! good pull!

SWEET! That is going to introduce a lot of casual LOTR fans and even a lot of real Tolkien readers to some of the extended history of Middle Earth. If anyone can preserve Tolkien’s worlds and themes while excising his occasional, incredible dullness, it is Peter Jackson.

P.J. as in Peter Jackson? Sweet !

Yup, the one and only. The best LOTR site to keep up with news on it would be The One Ring:
