Highlander Re-make

I was browsing Rotten Tomatoes today and i saw a little blurb that they are talking about remaking Highlander. I’ve heard bits and pieces about this before and was dreading it. Highlander was and is one of my all time favorite movies. I remember watching it thinking it was going to be stupid. I saw it around the time that the second one came out. My best friend had seen the previews for it and thought it was funny how Ramirez and Connor were counting bullet wounds. WE went to the video store looking for it but couldn’t find it. We did find the first one and well Wow. Its up there as one of my most watched movies, like up there with Star Wars most watched. Ive probably seen it at least 30 times. So needless to say when i heard they were going to do a remake i was nervous.

But my fears might be over

Its looks like its going to be made by a good production company and it also looks like they are trying to cast Kevin McKidd in it. He played Lucius Vorenus in Rome and the main character in Journeyman (what a great show to bad it got cancled :mad:). I think he is a perfect fit for the role. Maybe they could cast Naveen Andrews as Ramierz (if they keep him Egyptian). I have no idea who could take over for the Kurgan. Clancey Brown was so perfect in that. Maybe they could bring him back he is still a great actor and probably in good enough shape to do it. So we will see how it works out. Hope for the best!!

Say no more. As long as Kevin McKidd is in it, I am sold. He was fraking totally awesome in HBO’s Rome.

I =adore= the Highlander movies. Hopefully the remake won’t disappoint!

So long as they blast the queen in the movie and heads roll, i’ll be there, just seems wrong not to CL in it? at lease in some way


Oy. More remakes? Why? Highlander came out not that long ago. It had a spin-off TV series that kinda technically would be considered a remake, I suppose.

Can we get something original? Could we get more Dr. Horrible? Re-directing funds away from a Highlander remake to something either from the mind of Felicia Day or Joss Whedon may be more worth it.