I think that it’s hard to lower your expectations when there is such excellent TV to be watched–BSG was a prime example. It delivered over and over and over, season after season with only a disappointing episode here and there. (Not whole disappointing arcs or even disappointing, contrived, CRAP seasons as Heroes has unfortunately delivered. I have kept hoping Heroes will improve. I’m on the fence whether I will watch it this season. I suppose it depends whether it is up against something else I would rather watch, though with DVR’s even that may not matter. If I start to watch and it’s going downhill fast, even my Sylar-lust won’t keep me watching. Zachary Quinto has a brilliant career ahead of him, Heroes or no Heroes, I believe. If nothing else, I’ll see him in the next installment of Star Trek. I don’t consider myself a “hater” of Heroes. Rather, I am someone who expects writers and producers not to underestimate my intelligence, not to contradict their storylines, not to rewrite characters’ personalities with no explanation. Heroes’ creators aren’t holding up their end of the bargain. It has been a crap show since the season finale of season 1, unfortunately and I’m very sorry to have to deliver this news in a thread that was started by someone who is obviously new to the series and very enthusiastic.