In between season, here’s the first webisode:
Bonus Game: the webisodes being sponsored by Sprint PCS try to see if you can spot the (subtle) product placement.
In between season, here’s the first webisode:
Bonus Game: the webisodes being sponsored by Sprint PCS try to see if you can spot the (subtle) product placement.
very subtle
The acting is a little not good.(Sprint Product Placement? I guess I missed it cough cough)
It’s too bad I’ll be watching every one of them. Those special effects look like they were ripped from Power Rangers.
Yeah, me too. I’ve missed Heroes. I hope it doesn’t go down the toilet. It seems like the production team is all over the place and it’s not clear that they actually have a PLAN (yeah, I know…unintentional Cylon reference) for the direction of the show. I at least like to feel like the producers have an over-arching plan for where things are going. I like many of the characters already introduced and I hate to see them get pushed to the back to introduce new, inferior characters/actors. I guess we’ll see…
After watching the latest teaser and this webisode I’m starting to get into Heros hype mode. Did anyone see evil Clair in the teaser??!!
I have hope for the new season. I was a little disappointed with the rushed season 2 ending. I wish they would have waited the WGA strike out.
I think Volume 3 will put Heroes back on track. The people who made the show said they recognized vol. 2’s flaws , so my hopes are still up.
my disappointment began with the season 1 finale, which i felt was very much a let down after all the NBC-generated hype over a final battle with Sylar. i watched last season but was disappointed. i’ll give this season a chance, b/c i want to like this show, but i will probably give up on it if Season 3 doesn’t deliver.
I watched the first season on Netflix, but I only read recaps of Season 2… which to say the least, left me entirely confused. So, I’m curious but not particularly excited about new Heroes.
Plus, it just doesn’t compare to BSG.
It’s more like comparing apples to oranges. They are both great shows for what they are. It’s nice to see Sci-Fi taken seriously for a change in television.
Errrggg…I gotta wait before I watch any Hero’s webisodes. I’m still working my way through Season 2. Gonna watch “Fight or Flight” (ep 4?) tonight.
The new trailer for season 3 looks promising, hopefully the writer’s strike will have had some positive impact after all:
OK, some spoiler thoughts after watching that season 3 preview:
[spoiler]Yeah, I caught Nathan and Nikki. Maybe Nathan is a flashback scene. Nikki, I kind of expected her to return when I saw that the next chapter was called “Villains”. “Level 5” sounds like an interesting concept. How about Evil Clair? Is that the real Clair or some kind of evil twin/clone?[/spoiler]
Will you be posting all of the webisodes? If not are they on the Heroes website? I was active reading the comics etc. but I have not been doing much since the show has been off for so long.
Same here. The cool thing is you can go back and pick up where you left off on the website. I am also behind on the evolutions thingy that has the internet interactions.
Have they been putting out the comic books like they did when the show was on? If so I have a few months of reading.
They keep the comics running year round. There’s a new one every week. There should be a comic archive section on the main site.
Wow that is a great deal of reading.
ok my friend who is at comic-con went to the heroes panel (to get a good seat for the Lost panel), and they showed this season’s premiere. this is a direct quote from his text message (keep in mind that he, as did I, thought last season was the show’s downfall):
“That episode kicked the S**T out of the entire last season! I know who shot Nathan…”
I haven’t really delved deed into Heroes coverage yet, but I did come across a minor spoiler that I’m glad I read…
[spoiler]The season premiere starts 4 years after the season 2 ending[/spoiler]