Heroes Season 3: Villians (s1 and s2 spoilers)

Well, it took me many months but I’m all caught up watching Heroes Season 1 and 2.
And I’m psyched for the Season 4 premiere tomorrow.
I couldn’t find a tread or folder for Heroes, so I figured I’d start this thread.
I figure this thread should be open for discussing with the assumption that you’ve seen season 1 and 2, so you can spoil away on those.

I have to admit Season 2 wasn’t as great as Season 1, but who knows if that’s because of the writers strike truncated the season or what…

I was so disappointed with the beginning of Season 2…then I found this and I regained my faith in the show.

I read TWOP’s reviews of season 2 - after enjoying S1, but it wasn’t up to Battlestar’s level at all. There are some weird things going on (in terms of portrayal of characters rather than the plot).

I didn’t watch S2 until it was available for streaming on Netflix - and it was fun, but it wasn’t as hard hitting as the first season, I actually really enjoyed the Hiro sequence, I found the whole Adam/Kensei reveal to be utterly predictable, and that Peter Petrelli still looks really hot without a shirt on.

I’ll admit I’m looking forward to new Heroes, but I’m not like OMG! and I’ll probably wait until I can watch all the episodes in a row, unless there is a viewing group among my friends to watch it together. I won’t impose on my friends’ cable (as I did with Battlestar) for Heroes.

Heroes certainly doesn’t have the chops that BSG, or even LOST, does. But I sure am chomping at the bit for tomorrow night. I mean, think about it. This’ll get me through the next three months, and then for a few blessed weeks, I’ll have HEROES, LOST, and BATTLESTAR GALACTICA all in a row every frakkin’ week!

It’ll be a swell wintertime.

We’re all excited here. Didn’t have the time for a rewatch of S1, didn’t have the stomach for a rewatch of S2. I’m hoping that they’re regrouped and ready to hit the same high notes this season that made the show so fantastic in S1.

My prediction for this season? Sylar has lost all the powers he took and is back to only owning his own. I think seeing him struggle with that would be very interesting to watch.

If I understand this correctly, this is story from during Season 2? Must be because he talks about upcoming episodes from that season as being in Nov and Dec. This is encouraging, because it means Tim Kring was aware of the problems before shooting (and writing) Season 3.
How cool for a show runner to publicly admit to where his show was weak.

Did anyone else see the new Heroes? It’s up on Hulu if you missed it on TV (ahem, me). be sure to watch both episodes, I’ll put the titles in spoiler tags just in case… [SPOILER]The Second Coming and The Butterfly Effect[/SPOILER].

the new season looks good so far. and… OMG… they’ve got President Sheridan… now… the next thing to do is for him to recruite all the heroes to be in the Anla’Shok.

Yeah. I got all happy inside when I saw his name in the credits.

Before this season, I’ve always watched Heroes, only to be repeatedly disappointed, but I’ve got some hope for this season, the first two eps felt pretty fast paced and I’ve liked it so far… but I just caught the first ep of Dexter season 3 and that TOTALLY rocked my socks off, it was SOOOO much more satisfying new television episode I’ve seen since BSG went on hiatus.