I’m just interested to see what the Heroes fans think of this weeks episode and of the previews for next week. I’ve put up a poll for which of the characters is going to “fall” next week. Please pick two, I also realize I forgot about Micah’s cousin who apparently is St. Joan from the 9th Wonders comics. Anyway, please pick two and go ahead and write in St. Joan if that’s who you think is going to buy it.
My votes for Micah, and Molly, although i really don’t see anyone actually dieing permanently, but if i had my choice, both were awsome in season one and agrivating in season 2, besides nothing pulls up drama, like dead kids, raises the stakes. Maybe push Mat over the edge, and make Sylar think he’s on fire for a few years or something, and Niki can go all kind of incredible hulk on the company.
Not that anything like that is actually going to happen, cause of the golden Rule of TV.
children, Dog’s and horses can not be killed even if you have an apocalylse, Men and women being taken out left and right the dog will run out of the rubble with its tail wagging. and barking to the hero that the Children are safely by the well, with the horses,running free in the background safely.
Sorry for the rant, just wish TV in general would take risks, it’s not a specific complaint to just heroes
Not that anything like that is actually going to happen, cause of the golden Rule of TV.
children, Dog’s and horses can not be killed even if you have an apocalylse, Men and women being taken out left and right the dog will run out of the rubble with its tail wagging. and barking to the hero that the Children are safely by the well, with the horses,running free in the background safely.
That post was incredible. I laughed quite loudly at my desk at work and drew some very perplexed stares. I agree wholeheartedly that Molly and Micah should both get it and consequently cause Niki to go nuts and Matt to totally wreck Mohinder. Frankly, I’ve been hoping somebody would rip Mohinder a new one since he’s started toeing the company line so faithfully.
I voted for Niki simply because I think she should have been killed a long time ago for lack of purpose or value.
The other person I would vote for is Adam. Call it obvious foreshadowing but I think there were two references to the fact that, “If you blow off the head you don’t come back”
Adam is going to go bye-bye. He also is redundant to Claire (who I wish would be offed, but know won’t be).
I liked Adam right up until the point he became a sociopath. I still kind of like him, but the whole, “I want to kill everyone on the planet” trait is a little off putting.
you know I didn’t even consider this but I think now that Maya is the most obvious one to go, as soon as Sylar gets his ability back she’s done for, but then again once she’s dead…so is pretty much everybody else.
I think Sylar might actually have some feelings for her. He’s got to be lonely and she hero-worships him. Since he didn’t feast on the brother, I’m not convinced he could control the power if he took her. She’s only controlled it once, I think he’d be taking a big risk to try and take it from her. Better to have her as a servant.
If Mohindar doesn’t reclaim his balls I might recast my vote for him. I have hated his role this season, so weak and questioning, not sticking with the plan and all the damn moral high ground. Enough- pick a side and stick to it!
I personally think that Mohinder’s inability to find the side of right and righteousness this season is a good story device even if it does take one of my favorite first season characters and recasts him. I don’t necessarily think that he’s weak-willed but his indecision is a pretty clear reflection of how the viewers have been feeling up until this point, unsure of who is to be trusted and who isn’t.
you kinda have me there. Maybe once Mohindar and Sylar are face -to-face again, we’ll see his strength reappear.
Hey you know what? You just demonstrated why this forum is really something of a geek paradise for me. Everybody can make their points and even if we disagree everybody still comes together on the point of saying “You know what, I see what you mean.” I’d like to say thank you.
The preceding statement was made in absolute sincerity.
Moreover, I think you’re right. Mohinder will probably experience a resurgence of his former morality once he’s confronted by Sylar. I don’t think there’s a chance he’ll willingly let any harm come to Molly.
Best quote I ever saw comes from the Master- Mark Twain- “Half of being smart is knowing what you’re dumb at.”
Besides, the real fun is having a place to be passionate about all this stuff.
Truer words were never spoken. You’re aces in my book dude.
Seriously though, I’m a little upset at the fact that there is only one more episode this season due to the writer’s strike.